Irony: Free Speech (Sort Of) Up And Running Thanks To Russia


Active Member
Jul 18, 2020
Actually I live on a farm. Stop being a dick and making assumptions based on your own narrow world view.

I’m comfortable with the level of gun rights that we have in this country - if you can prove you know the law and the basics of operating a firearm, you can apply for a license. I know many people who own guns and I don’t have an issue with that at all. One or two of them own many guns. I’ve got friends and family who are keen and active hunters. Again, I’m fine with that. I’m not scared to kill something in order to eat it. As I said before, my reason for not owning a gun is a practical one - I’m not prepared to have it cocked and ready and on me 24/7, which means that there’s no point in having one at all.

However, I’m totally against the American system where you can go buy a gun in your way to the local high school. Only a fool will try to claim that allowing people to carry on killing unarmed teenagers acceptable. I think the UK has gone a bit too far, where it’s almost impossible to get a gun, but it works for them.

Now tell me about your career as a soldier. Given you’re choice of nickname, I’m assuming that you must have seen active service at some point?

Good to know, apologies for the assumptions about your circumstances. I would encourage you to get a firearm if you live on a farm but that is your choice. Far too many farmers have been killed. We used to live on a farm but in an area and at a time when there were very few killings.

You can't just buy a gun in America anymore, as far as I know you have to go through a background check. And obviously if you have been committed of certain crimes you are not eligible to own a firearm.

The bottom line I guess for me is that gun ownership in SA should be a right, not a privilege.

No not at all, I just missed compulsory service, I consider myself a soldier for God, and it just sounded like a cool name is all :p

Paul Hjul

Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
you do realize that the SANDF accept volunteers? So if you really had any actual desire for a military life you could have enlisted?

O wait SANDF both require matric and have the right to refuse admission to enlisted service on the basis of a lack of emotional aptitude

Rudolph Hart

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020
Good to know, apologies for the assumptions about your circumstances. I would encourage you to get a firearm if you live on a farm but that is your choice. Far too many farmers have been killed. We used to live on a farm but in an area and at a time when there were very few killings.

You can't just buy a gun in America anymore, as far as I know you have to go through a background check. And obviously if you have been committed of certain crimes you are not eligible to own a firearm.

The bottom line I guess for me is that gun ownership in SA should be a right, not a privilege.

No not at all, I just missed compulsory service, I consider myself a soldier for God, and it just sounded like a cool name is all :p
And I’d encourage you to do some research. Look up actual murder statistics and you’ll see that you have a far greater chance of being murdered if you’re black and urban than if you’re white and living on a farm. Facts and figures, not media hype and political rhetoric.

On the subject of American background checks, read this article. You can buy guns online. Licensed dealers need a criminal record check, unlicensed sellers don’t. So I can buy a gun and sell it to you legally.


And I’d encourage you to do some research. Look up actual murder statistics and you’ll see that you have a far greater chance of being murdered if you’re black and urban than if you’re white and living on a farm. Facts and figures, not media hype and political rhetoric.

On the subject of American background checks, read this article. You can buy guns online. Licensed dealers need a criminal record check, unlicensed sellers don’t. So I can buy a gun and sell it to you legally.
And you are ignoring the difference between HOW the two demographics typically get murdered as well as the police going out of their way to obfuscate the statistics to the point of simply not taking some of them or misrepresenting them.


the fact that you think this content has any relevance is testimony to the sort of stupidity you perpetually exude. You have demonstrated a total lack of understanding of the US Second Amendment, you evidently have fuckall knowledge about Reagan and the mythology around Reagan.
Do you ever have a mode that is not angry just for the sake of it? Do you lack meds or something?


Active Member
Jul 18, 2020
And I’d encourage you to do some research. Look up actual murder statistics and you’ll see that you have a far greater chance of being murdered if you’re black and urban than if you’re white and living on a farm. Facts and figures, not media hype and political rhetoric.

On the subject of American background checks, read this article. You can buy guns online. Licensed dealers need a criminal record check, unlicensed sellers don’t. So I can buy a gun and sell it to you legally.

Show me those figures if you have them.

Bottom line is there are so few farmers in the country and yet they are being murdered in numbers and tortured (you should see the pics, it's quite disturbing). The torture is something that isn't talked about a lot but plays a key part in the motive of the murderers.

Interesting on the background checks, never knew that.

Paul Hjul

Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Do you ever have a mode that is not angry just for the sake of it? Do you lack meds or something?
Ja running a bit low on my bitchiness medicine, need to restock on chocolate this week

But seriously if your only exposure to me is as an angry person chances are it's because you are a moron or only see me having to put up with morons.
Easiest way to bring out my bitch streak is to try to bully people while being fucking stupid.

What makes this even funnier is I got a notification earlier today about some level award thing for likeability on this forum. So evidently most people here find me quite likeable


Ja running a bit low on my bitchiness medicine, need to restock on chocolate this week

But seriously if your only exposure to me is as an angry person chances are it's because you are a moron or only see me having to put up with morons.
Easiest way to bring out my bitch streak is to try to bully people while being fucking stupid.
Or you have a habit of reacting overly negatively to anyone that disagrees with you.... seeing as I tend to disagree with everyone eventually I guess this means I am doomed to be a moron..... and you are being quite a hippocrite here seeing as you have done your fair share of bullying.
What makes this even funnier is I got a notification earlier today about some level award thing for likeability on this forum. So evidently most people here find me quite likeable
Lots of trolls here too that love to stir all the fights they can

Rudolph Hart

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020
Show me those figures if you have them.

Bottom line is there are so few farmers in the country and yet they are being murdered in numbers and tortured (you should see the pics, it's quite disturbing). The torture is something that isn't talked about a lot but plays a key part in the motive of the murderers.

Interesting on the background checks, never knew that.
I did the research a few months ago. I didn’t bother keeping it, because I did it to educate myself. And I agree that the motive for farm murders needs to be taken into account. When a farmer who treats his workers decently dies, those workers will attend his funeral out of respect and at their own cost for transport. When a farmer gets murdered, you’ll almost always hear comments (spoken privately and quietly) about how he mistreated his workers. There’s a reason for everything, including a reason why some people see it to over hype farm attacks and use them for their own political gain.

Yes, white people get killed on farms from time to time. So do white people living in cities. So do black people living on farms. And so do black people living in towns and cities. Don’t come with conspiracy theories, come with facts.

The reason I suggest doing your own research is that most people don’t easily accept facts presented to them when they disagree with their viewpoint. Find the numbers yourself if it interests you.


Active Member
Jul 18, 2020
you do realize that the SANDF accept volunteers? So if you really had any actual desire for a military life you could have enlisted?

O wait SANDF both require matric and have the right to refuse admission to enlisted service on the basis of a lack of emotional aptitude

What makes you think I have any interest in joining the SANDF, you're making assumptions and so making an ass out of you an umption.
That's like saying just because you own a computer you are into hacking and kiddie porn, though I wouldn't put that past you lot, I have learnt that leftists are into some weird stuff.

As for the SANDF well, you judge for yourself.



Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
the sunlit uplands of Utopia
Doesn't mean much coming from the King Troll Afrikaaner hater himself little Dave :ROFLMAO:

Big strong “Soldier”Man is a snivelling little coward?

Why would you even want to own a firearm? I’ll bet that the first bad guy you meet with any form of weapon will have you piss in your pants and run away, as I said, no wonder you liked Trump.


Active Member
Jul 18, 2020
Big strong “Soldier”Man is a snivelling little coward?

Why would you even want to own a firearm? I’ll bet that the first bad guy you meet with any form of weapon will have you piss in your pants and run away, as I said, no wonder you liked Trump.

Like I said your ability to read someone's character just by what they type on the internet is uncanny, is your profession perhaps a psychologist? If not, you should think about becoming one, you have such great empathy and could help a lot of people.

I only own a firearm to try and fit in with the crowd and look like a man with it on my hip and show off to the ladies, they love it when I load ammo into the mag and then insert it into my Glock and then pretend to shoot the bad guys, at least I think they do. But yeah faced with a real life one on one I don't know what I would do Dave, probably run away to be honest, the dog can take care of itself after all.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
the sunlit uplands of Utopia
I only own a firearm to try and fit in with the crowd and look like a man with it on my hip and show off to the ladies, they love it when I load ammo into the mag and then insert it into my Glock and then pretend to shoot the bad guys

I doubt you’d want to even be in the same province as an actual bad guy who might actually fight back. Your type of inbred moron only picks on the weak, who are guaranteed not to fight back.

But yeah faced with a real life one on one I don't know what I would do Dave, probably run away to be honest

That sounds much more like the truth.


Active Member
Jul 18, 2020
I doubt you’d want to even be in the same province as an actual bad guy who might actually fight back. Your type of inbred moron only picks on the weak, who are guaranteed not to fight back.

That sounds much more like the truth.

Yes, that is what I have been saying Dave, you are more than likely much braver than me, I mean any bad guy thinking of taking you on would be making a huge mistake! Thanks for keeping South Africa safe Dave.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
the sunlit uplands of Utopia
Yes, that is what I have been saying Dave, you are more than likely much braver than me, I mean any bad guy thinking of taking you on would be making a huge mistake!

You wouldn’t have any idea of what being brave is, you’ve shown that with your cowardly posts in both threads.

Thanks for keeping South Africa safe Dave.

Once again showing that siblings shouldn’t be allowed to have sex and pop out children, your parents really created a dumb inbred cunt with you, didn’t they?


Active Member
Jul 18, 2020
You wouldn’t have any idea of what being brave is, you’ve shown that with your cowardly posts in both threads.

Once again showing that siblings shouldn’t be allowed to have sex and pop out children, your parents really created a dumb inbred cunt with you, didn’t they?
