The totally cool no stress US election thread


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2020
Droid, maybe let's try and clear the crap.
Answer me this on police and specifically American police;

Would you agree that some police officers kill black civilians with no just cause and not necessarily by accident?

(Note: I'm not implying a majority or minority or any statistical value)


Lol, I mean politically. Do we have to be left or right? No grey?
I am politically right; I however share a lot in common values with classical liberals; typically regarded as centrists. I however for most of my life have had nothing in common with the left... but that doesn't ever mean I'd want their speech banned, etc. nor would I get triggered by it.

In my youth I was a bit of centrist, and considered some ideas of the left -- but when I grew up; got married, had kids -- none of that appealed or made sense anymore... the equation simply does not logically work.


Droid, maybe let's try and clear the crap.
Answer me this on police and specifically American police;
Why would my opinions / values vary whether it's American police or any other country?

Would you agree that some police officers kill black civilians with no just cause and not necessarily by accident?
Nope -- I'd say it's substantially better with regards to police, than it is for civilians -- far less incidences of police murders than civilian; important in the context of which one has a greater number of encounters.

(Note: I'm not implying a majority or minority or any statistical value)
The lack of focus on statistics is the problem; i.e. it's being ignored -- hence it's so easy to use triggered people as political pawns.

What's being overlooked -- by many; is that as I mentioned -- blacks are disproportionately responsible for more crime including murder. Which logically means there will be more encounters between blacks and police than there would be for any other race. That alone means the likelihood of untoward incidents is greatly increased simply because of the former ratio.

Simply said if you want to cut down on the number of untoward incidents; then you have to address the reason why blacks are disproportionately more responsible for crime. Rioting and defunding police is not going to fix this; it never has and never will -- but it sure is very effective at stoking division from a political perspective.

As I said; the preponderance of these problems occur in Democrat cities -- yet that's just ignored. Surely those who've governed for 5 decades are the primary reason why these problems persist today?


Propaganda in progress... Blame the right for the crimes of the left.

Her rationality "the majority of the perpetrators are white so they must be on the right..."
-- who that has watched the ANTIFA / BLM videos can say that the preponderance are not whites. The arrest records in Portland certainly agree that the perpetrators are majority white -- but she just ignores that reality.

Did she lie, fact checkers?
  • Are the majority white - YES
  • Are the majority on the right - NO (they're ANTIFA and BLM)
  • Are the majority black - NO
  • ....
Effective propaganda always contains an element of truth... so that the "fact checkers" can say it's true; or a superficial check appears true.

I knew this was coming, because Democrats were losing in the polls; hence they needed something...
-- they'd love us to just forget Harris and others are on video edging on the riots, or e.g. CNN's Cuomo saying "who said all protests must be peaceful", etc.
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