Coronavirus around the world thread


Active Member
Jul 18, 2020
View attachment 10458
Don’t tell SoldierTwat, apparently Google is all you need to get all the required data relating to Coronavirus in China.

Hey it's little Dave! Here's some more google news for you that I came across.

I suggest you ignore it though and take the Astrazeneca vaccine if you get the chance :LOL: Because being the first in line to test a medical product that is untested for the long term is the height wisdom (y) Enjoy your shot.

EU vaccine war: Now Netherlands bans Oxford jab for over-65s as EU turns on UK firm

In a letter to health minister Hugo de Jonge, the advisory body also claimed people with a troubled immune system should not receive the Oxford-produced jab. Their recommendation follows a growing list of European regulators that have recommended against using doses of the Anglo-Swedish firm’s vaccine in the older population. It comes despite the EU’s drug watchdog, the European Medicines Agency, giving it the green light for use in all adults across the bloc.

The Gezondheidsraad said the AstraZeneca vaccine should be rapidly administered to people aged between 60 and 64.

In a statement, the health council said the jab was “effective, sufficiently safe and acceptable”.

It added: “It triggers an immune response in older people that is comparable to people aged 18-55”.

But it said advisers could not fully determine the efficacy for people aged 56 and older because there was insufficient data from those age groups in the phase three clinical trial.

They said there was a greater concern in over-65s “because the immune system begins to function less effectively with age”.

The Netherlands is set to receive delivery of around 11.8 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine by the end of September.

France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Denmark and Poland have all advised against use for people over a certain age.

In contrast, Britain has authorised the AstraZeneca jab to be used on all ages.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
Hey it's little Dave! Here's some more google news for you that I came across.

I suggest you ignore it though and take the Astrazeneca vaccine if you get the chance :LOL: Because being the first in line to test a medical product that is untested for the long term is the height wisdom (y) Enjoy your shot.
Whatever. Give me the jab already ffs. You types can die while I live.


Active Member
Jul 18, 2020
Whatever. Give me the jab already ffs. You types can die while I live.

LOL did you read this part?

also claimed people with a troubled immune system should not receive the Oxford-produced jab

Do you know if you have a troubled immune system? Or you just going to jump and hope there's water and not sharp rocks at the bottom :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
LOL did you read this part?

Do you know if you have a troubled immune system? Or you just going to jump and hope there's water and not sharp rocks at the bottom :)
I believe my immune system is hyper alert, being a clutz and banging into things and injuring myself on a regular basis, it's always fighting some infection I introduced.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
the sunlit uplands of Utopia
Hey it's little Dave! Here's some more google news for you that I came across.

I suggest you ignore it though and take the Astrazeneca vaccine if you get the chance :LOL: Because being the first in line to test a medical product that is untested for the long term is the height wisdom (y) Enjoy your shot.

Hey, it’s the dumb cunt back again!

I know you are pretty stupid and your grasp of English is only slightly better than that of a chimpanzee but the three EU countries put the cap on at 65 because they claim there isn’t sufficient evidence of efficacy.

The Gezondheidsraad said the AstraZeneca vaccine should be rapidly administered to people aged between 60 and 64.

In a statement, the health council said the jab was “effective, sufficiently safe and acceptable”.

It added: “It triggers an immune response in older people that is comparable to people aged 18-55”.

But it said advisers could not fully determine the efficacy for people aged 56 and older because there was insufficient data from those age groups in the phase three clinical trial.

There have been around 35 million people vaccinated so far, please point out the millions of serious casualties caused, at least 10 million of those vaccinated in the UK will be over 65’s, please point out where they are all dying.

If you can’t, could you please fuck off back to your alt-right QAnon group again, the forum has been nice and peaceful the last couple of days.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
the sunlit uplands of Utopia

COVID-19: Government aims for all over-50s to be reached in vaccine drive by May​

All over-50s should be offered a coronavirus vaccine by May, the government has announced.

It is a significant target and the first time a firm date has been put on when all those in the top nine categories on the priority list for a COVID-19 jab will be offered one by.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock confirmed the ambition on Friday, saying in an interview: "My plan is that we should be able to offer a vaccine to everyone in categories 1-9 - that's all the over 50s - by May.


Active Member
Jul 18, 2020
Hey, it’s the dumb cunt back again!

I know you are pretty stupid and your grasp of English is only slightly better than that of a chimpanzee but the three EU countries put the cap on at 65 because they claim there isn’t sufficient evidence of efficacy.

There have been around 35 million people vaccinated so far, please point out the millions of serious casualties caused, at least 10 million of those vaccinated in the UK will be over 65’s, please point out where they are all dying.

If you can’t, could you please fuck off back to your alt-right QAnon group again, the forum has been nice and peaceful the last couple of days.

Watch that mouth of yours boy, or I'll have to wash it out with soap. Adults don't need to swear, only teenagers and adults who haven't quite made it yet mentally.

Did you read this part:

also claimed people with a troubled immune system should not receive the Oxford-produced jab

So it's not only old people but those with compromised immune systems. But like I said you go ahead and take the shot.

You know what you remind me of, a religious extremist, or a North Korean or Chinese obedient citizen. You are entirely intolerant of anything other than what you deem to be right, ironically you fit right in with the racist right wingers :ROFLMAO: Dude, you are what you hate, you do realise that right? An intolerant extremist. Oh the irony, it is beautiful!


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
@biometrics how much longer do I have to put up with this constant foulmouthed harassing? I mean there is a line, and it's awfully close to being crossed. If this forum just allows non-stop swearing and berating for no reason then I guess that's fine, I'll just join the fight, if not then where is the line.

And Dave my response in post 996 was when you insulted me in post 990 - I suggest you have a long hard look in the mirror before throwing out insults like that.
I think you are both at fault here. Just leave each other alone please. It's a bit like Israel vs the Palastinians, nobody knows who shot last so they keep retaliating causing an endless war.

So can you BOTH just shut the fuck up about each other.

Thank you kindly.

Edit: posts have been moved to

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020

" Only a few months into the pandemic last year, the president of the country, John Magufuli, declared Tanzania COVID-free following three days of national prayers."
