Member scribbles


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2020
East London
To do:

1. Ponder the texture of freshly-sheared wool.
2. Is it windy? If so, go and sit outside and close your eyes.
3. Try to listen to the sound of people whispering without being creeped out.
4. Slowly run a finger along the inner sides of my fingers
5. Take a walk
6. Press your hands up against a cold service
7. Watch something on YouTube without reading or contributing to the comments
8. Think about what I might have done if I had got a service award.
9. Stare into the distance
I did this for fun: the last time I did this sort of thing regularly was when I took a year module through UNISA.

My days are pretty much the same, so I can operate on autopilot.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2020
No two days of mine are the same - and that is the way I like it. They do have similarities though

I went for a swim. An unplanned swim. Went to sit with my legs in the water - and it was so nice - I decided to get in - fully clothed. It was an amazing swim. I am going to be in trouble with the lady who washes my clothes -but it will have been worth it. Got my youngest son to join me - fully clothed too.


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2020
East London
No two days of mine are the same - and that is the way I like it. They do have similarities though

I went for a swim. An unplanned swim. Went to sit with my legs in the water - and it was so nice - I decided to get in - fully clothed. It was an amazing swim. I am going to be in trouble with the lady who washes my clothes -but it will have been worth it. Got my youngest son to join me - fully clothed too.
That sounds lovely.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2020
Oh it was. We only got out because the storm was close and there was lightning in the sky. Otherwise, I think we would have stayed in longer.
Today the rain is bucketing down. If I had waited for "perfect" weather - I would have missed out


Nov 15, 2021
Outside, the day goes on like any other.
People walk past the house with the beautiful garden.
A gentle voice can be heard in the distance,
Like a gentle breeze, rustling dead leaves on the cold pavement.

Inside, shattered glass decorates the floor,
Next to the tired body, a beautiful mosaic.
"Maybe a little bit too much red, will clean it later."
For now, just rest a little bit longer.

The Gentleman, everyone likes him.
He wears that nice suit and those nice pants.
His hands are a little bit bruised because of hard work,
but what perfect soul, so full of grace and wisdom.

Rested, she pulls away the curtain.
Still so dark, where is the sunlight?
She starts singing, a song of comfort,
"His shadow darkens the side walk, his shadow brings the night, look at my beautiful garden, one last time"

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Nov 15, 2021
Another badly written one


Lying in your arms
Our bodies intertwined
Split between then and now
As one, but not completely whole

Our love is built on memories
Shadows from the past
The ones we were
Are long gone now
We were different people then

Silence moves around the room
It echoes in our souls
Distant laughter fills the night
Tears splash on the ground

Time stands still yet marches on
Days become endless weeks
Eternity stretches like a rubber band
Precariously thin

Disconnection with the mind
Separation from the skin
Parts in conflict, struggling
Existing in one space

The road ahead is cloudy
Tension fills the air
Temptations lurk, unseen
Disconnected from life
Living in our dreams
I like this one.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2020
Outside, the day goes on like any other.
People walk past the house with the beautiful garden.
A gentle voice can be heard in the distance,
Like a gentle breeze, rustling dead leaves on the cold pavement.

Inside, shattered glass decorates the floor,
Next to the tired body, a beautiful mosaic.
"Maybe a little bit too much red, will clean it later."
For now, just rest a little bit longer.

The Gentleman, everyone likes him.
He wears that nice suit and those nice pants.
His hands are a little bit bruised because of hard work,
but what perfect soul, so full of grace and wisdom.

Rested, she pulls away the curtain.
Still so dark, where is the sunlight?
She starts singing, a song of comfort,
"His shadow darkens the side walk, his shadow brings the night, look at my beautiful garden, one last time"

I like that - dark and eery. Well done


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2020
East London

Not to say that your criminal has to have any special abilities that conflict with reality as we know it. A fiendishly clever mind can still wreak havoc using the internet.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2020
I did NOT write this. I asked ChatGPT to write an existential poem about unrequited love. I then made it write it again without the word existential. I am actually impressed. This is what I got:

In the depths of longing, my heart does dwell,
A tale of unrequited love's bittersweet spell.
A poignant dance upon life's grand stage,
Where passion burns, trapped within a cage.

A solitary soul, consumed by desire,
Yearning for love's warmth, a celestial fire.
But alas, the universe jests, a cruel twist of fate,
As I wander alone, lost in love's intricate maze.

I gaze upon the stars, their distant gleam,
And wonder if they too have felt love's supreme.
Do they hold secrets of hearts left unfulfilled,
Whispered in cosmic winds, with longing distilled?

The echoes of affection, like whispers in the night,
Haunted by the absence of a love's delight.
For in this vast tapestry, I am a mere thread,
Unseen, unnoticed, my heart filled with dread.

I paint portraits of devotion with each passing day,
Hoping to capture the essence of love's sweet bouquet.
But the canvas remains empty, devoid of embrace,
Unrequited love, a bitter pill I must face.

Oh, unrequited love, a paradox profound,
A symphony of emotions, where silence resounds.
I'm but a solitary vessel adrift in the sea,
Lost in the waves of a love that cannot be.

Yet still, I carry the torch, the flame ever ablaze,
Hoping against hope for love's enchanting embrace.
For even in the depths of despair and pain,
Love's ethereal essence lingers, vibrant and plain.

So I'll continue to yearn, to dream and to strive,
Knowing that love's journey keeps our souls alive.
In the tapestry of existence, I'll find solace above,
And embrace the beauty of unrequited love.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2020
Then I asked this of ChatGPT. Oh the whole I like it - a few things that should be changed - but still impressed.

Write a short poem declaring my love for someone who will never know

In the quiet corners of my heart,
A love blooms, profound and art.
A secret treasure, hidden away,
Words unspoken, day by day.

Your presence ignites a gentle flame,
Yet you may never know my name.
In the shadows, I silently adore,
Longing for more, forevermore.

Each passing moment, my heart yearns,
For you, my love, it fiercely burns.
But destiny's path keeps us apart,
A love unspoken, a shattered heart.

Yet still, I'll cherish this unshared affection,
A pure and timeless connection.
Though you may never hear my plea,
Know that you're cherished endlessly.

In whispers carried by the wind,
My love for you will never rescind.
A silent declaration, forever true,
A love that's meant for only you.

And then I asked:
Write a short poem about a shoulder cat

Upon a shoulder, a cat takes its perch,
A faithful companion, a feline's church.
With steady balance and paws so light,
It claims its spot, a regal sight.

A shoulder cat, a bond so pure,
Whiskers brushing against one's allure.
In moments of solitude, it finds its place,
A source of comfort, a soft embrace.

With eyes so bright, it gazes afar,
As if whispering secrets, no words to mar.
Its presence brings solace, a soothing balm,
A gentle companion, in moments calm.

Through adventures and journeys, side by side,
The shoulder cat remains a constant guide.
It shares in laughter, and wipes away tears,
A loyal confidant throughout the years.

Oh, shoulder cat, with fur so fine,
You bring joy and peace, like rare sunshine.
Your silent presence, a heart's delight,
Forever cherished, morning to night.

So, let us treasure this unique connection,
The bond between human and feline's affection.
For a shoulder cat, with its quiet grace,
Brings love and warmth, in every embrace.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2020
East London
What follows is series of impressions of what I can remember of a nightmare I had last Thursday. I haven't had one in ages, and I woke up anxious on Friday morning, still partly in the dream.

conscious...the lights are on, eat, wash....must get ready for rucksack on on the ground near the floor, but where are my books? Where did I finish working last night-table - what's in that exam pad? Pages, pages, pages - got it! There's a pencil. Must put these in rucksack... [panic] where is my textbook? Not on the No. Couch? No. My room...why isn't it on my bookshelf - how many times have I told you to leave it there? [panic] Yank open draws, rummage in cupboard - why haven't you tidied? What's the time? Did I have breakfast? When did I buy this sandwich? Bed....must straighten out this-ah, there it is laid open on chapter 5. Grab text book....stuff in rucksack. Why isn't my exam pad and stationery there?! [panic] frantically scan my flat. where? where?! WHERE?!! them....GO! Hang on- go back to lock door....gasp....I'm going to be late! Here I am.....just in time.

I forgot to brush my hair :eek:

He's off...first lecture of the year, so it's about the syllabus. Slow down, man, I can't write that quickly1 He's jumping around the textbook willy-nilly....can't keep up. What happens when he begins lecturing in earnest and I can't follow what he is saying? Isn't he going to hand out notes? [alarmed]

What is he even going on about now? Computer? I need to use a computer? I don't know how to? They have computer labs? Who is going to teach me how to use them? What does this have to do with computers, anyway? How am I supposed to figure all of these things out on my own? What is this he is writing on the whiteboard now? How can he write so fast? I'm trying to write this down, but he is already dashing out another section and-.....[anxious] don't talk while you are writing!! I can't listen AND write. Asking us a question? I'm still writing-NOOOOO!!! don't erase that!!!
[Lecture ends]
Next lecture begins in 5 minutes - and it is on the other side of the campus!! :eek:

{Cries in the shower that evening. Tries to 'phone home from the call box attached to a wall in the callbox.]

I don't belong here....out of my depth....I can't do all of these things....can't keep up....nobody here seems to care.....student councillor is always busy....waiting to see her only eats up tired....can't do this anymore. o_O:cry:🥺