The Chat Room


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
nah that type of shit has been around for ever. for every good movie there are 1000 terrible ones.

we are jsut more connected to the world so we know and see more.
there isn't more bad music, you just know of more.
there isn't more bad movies, you just hear about more of them.
fashion is not any more absurd than it has ever been, you just have more exposure to it.

never forget our connection to the world and how it has increased over the past 15 odd years, and how that impacts your view on what is out there.
Still nothing to watch. Used to be able to see a few good movies a year, now nothing.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
Fucking Monday. This one was really unpleasant.

First, a bit of back-story. I have not been earning a salary for a while now, and sponging off my sister for accomodation anyway, so what funds I have are locked in investments. I chose the easiest one to withdraw from, and set that in motion. Last week, I had the most appalling cold, did not get up for anything except grocery delivery and interviews. Like coughing so hard I was woken up and had to vomit. Naturally this does not make for a clear head, and I made the first error, and thought the money had arrived. (misread my overdraft as positive rather than negative, doh!)

I then essentially used up pretty much everything I had available in paying of bills and debts that I had put on hold until the investment money was going to arrive. Second error.

So yesterday, having being incredibly unwell for over 7 days, I decided to book an online appointment with a doctor so I don't have to go out. But the receptionist told me that for new patients they need to do a physical eval. So I said, OK, yes - not realising that they are in Tygerberg. OK, I can deal with a drive (3rd error), so I drag myself out of bed and go over to my car. Shit. Battery is flat. Not my fault, but obviously plan B is an Uber, so I get one.

Get there a little late, but get to see the Doc. Discovery ate R1200 worth of medication claims (he charged me for two very different prescriptions), which was nice and smooth, so I went down to the local mall to get some food.

That all went well until I asked for the bill, and my card was declined several times. Full of confidence that I had a decent sum of cash I open my banking app, and to my suprise, that Uber took the last (almost the last) of my money.

Anyway, they were really nice about it in the restaurant, comped my meal, bought me a beer, and said, look, sometimes these things happen.

So now I am broke, and in the Northern Suburbs, and no way to get home. I then called my brother to see if he could arrange an Uber for me, but he was not available. Then I got chatting with restaurant staff about the cheapest way back to Newlands (taxi, train, etc) so when I transferred the R15.35 from one account into the other account I now had R53.35 to use.

A MiCiti ticket costs R30 to town, and MetroRail costs R16 from town to Claremont, so I was golden!

Except for the part where I am still sick as a dog, of course. And should not have been out in public, let alone walking several kilometers.

I chose Claremont instead of Newlands because I had no interest in climbing that steep hill that goes past the official Presidential mansion, I think it is called Klipper road, and the Claremont route to my house was longer but much flatter. So I made it in the end, with a few coins to spare!

Not my favourite Monday ever.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
Fucking Monday. This one was really unpleasant.

First, a bit of back-story. I have not been earning a salary for a while now, and sponging off my sister for accomodation anyway, so what funds I have are locked in investments. I chose the easiest one to withdraw from, and set that in motion. Last week, I had the most appalling cold, did not get up for anything except grocery delivery and interviews. Like coughing so hard I was woken up and had to vomit. Naturally this does not make for a clear head, and I made the first error, and thought the money had arrived.

I then essentially used up pretty much everything I had available in paying of bills and debts that I had put on hold until the investment money was going to arrive. Second error.

So yesterday, having being incredibly unwell for over 7 days, I decided to book an online appointment with a doctor so I don't have to go out. But the receptionist told me that for new patients they need to do a physical eval. So I said, OK, yes - not realising that they are in Tygerberg. OK, I can deal with a drive (3rd error), so I drag myself out of bed and go over to my car. Shit. Battery is flat. Not my fault, but obviously plan B is an Uber, so I get one.

Get there a little late, but get to see the Doc. Discovery ate R1200 worth of medication claims (he charged me for two very different prescriptions), which was nice and smooth, so I went down to the local mall to get some food.

That all went well until I asked for the bill, and my card was declined several times. Full of confidence that I had a decent sum of cash I open my banking app, and to my suprise, that Uber took the last (almost the last) of my money.

Anyway, they were really nice about it in the restaurant, comped my meal, bought me a beer, and said, look, sometimes these things happen.

So now I am broke, and in the Northern Suburbs, and no way to get home. I then called my brother to see if he could arrange an Uber for me, but he was not available. Then I got chatting with restaurant staff about the cheapest way back to Newlands (taxi, train, etc) so when I transferred the R15.35 from one account into the other account I now had R53.35 to use.

A MiCiti ticket costs R30 to town, and MetroRail costs R16 from town to Claremont, so I was golden!

Except for the part where I am still sick as a dog, of course. And should not have been out in public, let alone walking several kilometers.

I chose Claremont instead of Newlands because I had no interest in climbing that steep hill that goes past the official Presidential mansion, I think it is called Klipper road, and the Claremont route to my house was longer but much flatter. So I made it in the end, with a few coins to spare!

Not my favourite Monday ever.
I’m getting the flu jab tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
Fucking Monday. This one was really unpleasant.

First, a bit of back-story. I have not been earning a salary for a while now, and sponging off my sister for accomodation anyway, so what funds I have are locked in investments. I chose the easiest one to withdraw from, and set that in motion. Last week, I had the most appalling cold, did not get up for anything except grocery delivery and interviews. Like coughing so hard I was woken up and had to vomit. Naturally this does not make for a clear head, and I made the first error, and thought the money had arrived.

I then essentially used up pretty much everything I had available in paying of bills and debts that I had put on hold until the investment money was going to arrive. Second error.

So yesterday, having being incredibly unwell for over 7 days, I decided to book an online appointment with a doctor so I don't have to go out. But the receptionist told me that for new patients they need to do a physical eval. So I said, OK, yes - not realising that they are in Tygerberg. OK, I can deal with a drive (3rd error), so I drag myself out of bed and go over to my car. Shit. Battery is flat. Not my fault, but obviously plan B is an Uber, so I get one.

Get there a little late, but get to see the Doc. Discovery ate R1200 worth of medication claims (he charged me for two very different prescriptions), which was nice and smooth, so I went down to the local mall to get some food.

That all went well until I asked for the bill, and my card was declined several times. Full of confidence that I had a decent sum of cash I open my banking app, and to my suprise, that Uber took the last (almost the last) of my money.

Anyway, they were really nice about it in the restaurant, comped my meal, bought me a beer, and said, look, sometimes these things happen.

So now I am broke, and in the Northern Suburbs, and no way to get home. I then called my brother to see if he could arrange an Uber for me, but he was not available. Then I got chatting with restaurant staff about the cheapest way back to Newlands (taxi, train, etc) so when I transferred the R15.35 from one account into the other account I now had R53.35 to use.

A MiCiti ticket costs R30 to town, and MetroRail costs R16 from town to Claremont, so I was golden!

Except for the part where I am still sick as a dog, of course. And should not have been out in public, let alone walking several kilometers.

I chose Claremont instead of Newlands because I had no interest in climbing that steep hill that goes past the official Presidential mansion, I think it is called Klipper road, and the Claremont route to my house was longer but much flatter. So I made it in the end, with a few coins to spare!

Not my favourite Monday ever.
PS: I wouldn't have minded sending you some money but I'd likely have thought it's a scam.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
PS: I wouldn't have minded sending you some money but I'd likely have thought it's a scam.
Ja, I was considering hitch-hiking, which is dubious at best, but if I picked someone up spouting that level of nonsense, my scam-meter would be pinging so loudly I would not even be able to push on the brakes before leaning over, opening the door and shouting "GET THE FUCK OUT!!"

On the other hand, while I do not often give to beggars, unless their story "beggars belief" which implies they are subconsciously acting out performative comedy- those guys get cash.

I think the restaurant, FWIW Tyger's Milk, convinces me a little about karma. When I drive by myself (as opposed to having my kids in the car) I pick up hitchhikers. Steenberg to Masi (or vice versa) is a regular route for me, but not for taxis.

Anyway, it was not absolutely the worst Monday ever, I got two job offers. I chose to take the one with a lower salary because they seem more fun and salaries grow a tiny amount every year anyway. Both final interviews were last week when I literally could not think or focus due to being to ill (bronchitis, apparently, with severe lack of sleep)

Tomorrow: harass my financial guy to see how the progress of the investment withdrawal is working...


Active Member
Sep 27, 2020
glad you made it out of monday my guy.
I hope things start tunring around for you today. at the very least I hope you feel better from teh flu.


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2020
East London
Still nothing to watch. Used to be able to see a few good movies a year, now nothing.
Just for thee lulz:

"In a world gone mad...

In the topsy-turvy world of Hollywood, where coffee is more valuable than gold and a good script is as rare as a quiet producer, Audri finds herself in the throes of an epic quest. She's not just writing a movie script; she's rewriting the very fabric of cinematic reality! Gone are the days of cliché love triangles and predictable car chases. Audri's pen is a magic wand, turning tropes into treacle and plot holes into portals to other dimensions.

Her protagonist? A time-traveling barista who serves up lattes with a side of life lessons. The villain? A nefarious autocorrect feature that changes the fate of the world one typo at a time. And the twist? The audience realizes they've been the characters all along, and the movie theater is a spaceship hurtling through the cosmos.

Audri's script is a labyrinth of subplots, each more convoluted than a director's coffee order. She introduces characters with backstories so complex, they need their own prequels. Her dialogue sparkles with wit and wisdom, often leaving actors wondering if they're delivering lines or unraveling riddles.

In Audri's world, every prop has a purpose, and every scene is a setup for a sequel. She crafts action sequences that make stunt people question their career choices, and emotional moments so raw, the tissue industry sees a spike in sales.

As she types the final words, "The End," she knows it's only the beginning. Audri has not just written a better movie script; she's penned a cultural phenomenon. Critics rave, audiences cheer, and somewhere in the distance, a screenwriting professor wipes away a tear, knowing that Audri has just set the curve for generations to come.

So, grab your popcorn and silence your phones. In a world gone mad, Audri's script is a beacon of hope, a reel of dreams, and a reminder that sometimes, the best stories are the ones we never saw coming. Curtain up! "


Active Member
Sep 27, 2020
i have had one every year since 2010. save for 2020,2021 when there was no flu jab.
Mother in law was a Nurse for many years. so she gets ones for the whole family at the start of the season.
in the past 14 years I have never had the flu. I got a bad chest infection in 2015 that ended with a hospital stay and is why I dont currently have nipple rings anymore.
I wont say its some magic bullet to keep you from getting sick what I can say is it is good enough to prevent you from getting sick enough to be memorable. a day off here and there. and in 2022 I had the start of the flu on a friday night, got 2 friends sick. I never even missed a day of work but she was off for 8 days and he slept for 49 hours he was so sick. but hey, she quit smoking because of that one so I feel like I did her a service with that little flu....


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2020
I get / or got laryngitis. Once had it for 7 weeks. That was terrible. But I didn't feel bad - just could not talk.