LPW 20: Last Plodder Wins


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2020
200 Mbps fibre?
Yeah, Frogfoot double speed promotion is still running.
Wtf nearly 100gb
Yes? That's not that big for modern titles, e.g. Red Dead Redemption 2 / Online is ~118GB, Shadow of War was over 100GB, etc. all depends on 4k textures. That was Forza 7, games like that are racing games where looks are the most important, so they have a lot of different texture files for different weather etc. that makes them pretty huge. E.g. just raced the entire Nürburgring in one of the cheaper/started cars, that was a 10.5 minute lap for what I think is probably the complete real track without any of it looking like reused textures.
Forza Horizon 4 is supposedly better textures, don't really care that much, but you get the idea.