Critical race theory (CRT)


Active Member
Jun 14, 2021

I was telling you about CRT way back in 2018 already, and there are older threads started by me in the off topic sections which I don't have access to which also talk about it that probably predate the search history's reset.

Don't come here with johnny-come-lately kak. It's not my fault you weren't paying attention all these years, dumbass. :D


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2020

I was telling you about CRT way back in 2018 already, and there are older threads started by me in the off topic sections which I don't have access to which also talk about it that probably predate the search history's reset.

Don't come here with johnny-come-lately kak. It's not my fault you weren't paying attention all these years, dumbass. :D
Aw, boo.

You were a credulous, humourless, officious pedant then and you still are.

I'll be giving as much weight to your posts here as I did there, which is to say virtually fsckall.

Quote and tag me as furiously as you like, I'll engage when I feel like it, and only when I feel like it.

Glad we could clear that up, big guy.


Active Member
Jun 14, 2021
Aw, boo.

You were a credulous, humourless, officious pedant then and you still are.

I'll be giving as much weight to your posts here as I did there, which is to say virtually fsckall.

Quote and tag me as furiously as you like, I'll engage when I feel like it, and only when I feel like it.

Glad we could clear that up, big guy.
My story didn't change, and I've been right about CRT all along, and now I get to sit back and enjoy saying "I told you so". How is that being humourless? My schadenfreude is revving at all time highs, my man.

Don't engage if you don't want to, lol. But I'm telling you, in terms of the culture war, you guys are trying to mock the other side for not knowing what they're talking about, but this time it's not going to work, and there's irrefutable proof that I've been waiting YEARS for this, that's all.

I hope you have popcorn, because I sure as fuck do. 🍿


Active Member
Jun 14, 2021

You know, the only reason I went on a Q bender is because I got tired of all the willing suspension of disbelief over the blueanon Russiagate shit you and OD and others were spewing, and I wanted to get you back. Who doesn't have a sense of humour?


Paul Hjul

Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Am I alone in trying to figure out what the fuck a "Q bender" is or how any self-respecting person would excuse having gone on one by blaming other people?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2020
Here's my man Andrew with fire.

I'll unroll for y'all...

Before redemption comes reparation. Before reparation, repentance. Before repentance, confession. Before confession, acknowledgement. Before acknowledgement, awareness. People benefitting from a wrong will do anything to prevent this sequence. So they attack each step—as we see.

America is a country best understood using dynamics of abuse and enablement. What abusers want are the gifts of redemption without the cost of reparation. What enablers want is the refuge of comfortable lies, which insulate them from the inconvenience of caring.

As we see.

Acknowledgement carries one to confess it. Confession, to repent of it. Repentance, to repair it. And so, among people who presently benefit from wrong, there grows a powerful desire not to know.

As we see.

For those who wish to benefit from wrong, yet consider themselves blameless, it is imperative to create systems that impart benefit of wrong while hiding the knowledge of wrong. The system does the work without telling. In fact it's essential it doesn't tell.

As we see.

But for us to keep blameless, the system must be perfect. The best ever created. Exceptional. A perfect system is, by definition, incapable of improvement. Therefore, suggested improvement of the system is seen as an attack on the system.

As we see.

And so more and more effort and energy, time and resources, are expended on defending the perfection of the system from the attack of improvement. And so the concept of improvement becomes the enemy. Even maintenance of the system becomes the enemy.

As we see.

Improvement and maintenance, after all, involve repair. And reparation always carries a cost. And blameless people, believing themselves already perfect and redeemed, greatly resent the idea of paying any cost. They expect only to receive.

As we see.

And so our perfect system, unimprovable and unmaintainable, is never improved, and never maintained. And if the system delivers wrong to many, then the fault (so say the blameless people) must be with the many. Because the system is perfect. Exceptional. The best.

As we see.

And there might be some who become aware of how shockingly unjust the unimproved system is, awake to truths previously unknown. Blameless people attack this awareness, knowing that awareness leads to acknowledgement. They turn the idea of awakening into a slur.

As we see.

But some, newly aware, may attempt to acknowledge this truth. They might create codifications of theories and vocabularies to discuss it, to understand how our perfect system might be improved. Blameless people attack acknowledgement, knowing it leads to confession.

As we see.

Still, some, having acknowledged, might start to confess: to change vocabulary, use pronouns, put up yard signs, make occasionally awkward signifiers point toward improvements to our perfect system. Blameless people attack confession, knowing it leads to repentance.

As we see.

Even so, some, seeing confession, might begin to repent: actually change their behaviors, modify what they are willing to accept, change spending, lifestyle, beliefs. Blameless people furiously attack repentance, knowing it leads to the cost of reparation.

As we see.

Even so, some, beginning the long road of repentance, might try to begin to repair our perfect system. Blameless people will go to war over reparation, knowing it will cost them more than money. It will cost their blamelessness.

As we see.


Active Member
Jun 14, 2021
I was just wondering, when they figure out how much white privilege you have, do they actually give you a reading like in one of those e-meter auditing sessions, or how does it work, exactly?


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2020
My conservative talking point bingo is nearly complete


Active Member
Jun 14, 2021

2/ Fact is, both practitioners & observers claim that CRT is, or should be, at the core of contemporary teaching abt race in K-12. Recent piece in Education Post (funded by Walton Family Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative), makes clear:

3/ “CRT...provides educators tools they need to transform current practices in teaching & learning. [...] CRT allows for creation of new curricula that help students think critically about institutions that shape their lives & develop their own affirmative racial identities.”

4/ It wasn't Republicans or conserv parents who went digging thru academic legal studies journals to find a term—"CRT"—to fear. Admins & curriculum designers foregrounded CRT to lend the imprimatur of academic cred to questionable pedagogical practices.

5/ The name "CRT" guards this pedagogy as a "no-trespassing" sign. If you haven't read all of Crenshaw, Delgado, etc., you must defer to the "experts" on your kids' education. "Real" CRT is a will-o'-the-wisp. When you try to call it out, its defenders claim it's something else.

6/ If it were merely a branch of critical legal theory that looks at racial inequity encoded in institutions, there'd be no controversy. But “CRT” has become, in common usage, a synecdoche for a mélange of pedagogical practices, such as in this 24-Twt thread

7/ Concerned parents & citizens are grasping for what to call this mix of Marcuse, Laclau & Mouffe, CRT, & Kendi/DiAngelo-style “antiracism.” Call it "White Privilege Studies"? “Post-Marxist, class-free, race-reductionist identitarianism?” Take your pick.

8/ After we agree on a term, we can discuss whether having children create "identity maps" of their "power and privilege," and teaching that POC cannot, by definition, be "racist," or do not, in principle, have any power, belongs in an elementary school curriculum.

9/ Whatever we wanna call it, it’s a thing. When the largest pub school system in US adopts an Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum that lib LATimes calls “an impenetrable melange of academic jargon & politically correct pronouncements,” we can say it’s real:

10/ When former advisor, speech-writer, & legal counsel to MLK, Dr. Clarence Jones, says the CA Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum is a "perversion of history" that "will inflict great harm on millions of students," you know there's something real afoot:

11/ So telling people "you don’t understand CRT!" or "it's not really CRT!" isn't adequate. Is it mislabeled as CRT? Sure. OK. But what should we call it? Those who pretend it's not happening & doesn't have intellectual roots in academic CRT are gaslighting or not paying attn.

12/ Well said by @ rayrobisonwrite: "Proponents [of CRT] are asking critics to define it because they think by doing so they can 'disprove' the complaint if the critic misses one aspect of the CRT in their definition." Don't fall for it. What you see in schools is unhealthy.

13/ In closing, public discussion of CRT (or whatever you want to call what's showing up in K-12—and we didn't even get into workplace DEI training!) is a civic good and absolutely necessary if we are to chart a way forward as a country. We welcome good faith engagement. END.

Paul Hjul

Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Xarog you really should use the federal holiday of Juneteenth to educate yourself ...


Active Member
Jun 14, 2021
Xarog you really should use the federal holiday of Juneteenth to educate yourself ...
Why, has Posner lost his luster for you and you're in need of a new bullshit routine?

Ah well okay, suit yourself.

Please, tell me, in what way will investigating Junteenth be a case of 'educating myself'. What will I learn, O sophist? 😏


Active Member
Jun 14, 2021





Addiction to knowingness and the selfish fallacy. Man, this Marxist certainly anticipated the behaviour of a lot of people in THIS thread. :ROFLMAO:


Active Member
Jun 14, 2021
greg0205 said:
If only there was some sort of critical theory to look at how white supremacy in the legal and law enforcement systems could explain some of the issues you raise.

If only.
Indeed, if only. Lol.

Greg, CRT doesn't believe in empirical studies. They use standpoint epistemology and storytelling (ethnographies). Historical exemplars of standpoint epistemology in action include the books of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. :ROFLMAO:

CRT thinks that empiricism and objectivity are more examples of white supremacy designed to keep down the black man.



Active Member
Jun 14, 2021
Xarog you really should use the federal holiday of Juneteenth to educate yourself ...
Oops, I think I misread this. You meant to imply that I use the day to educate myself, not actually educate myself about the new federal holiday like it would explain something.

You know, since you're so much in favour of people educating themselves, here's a nice book for you that I stumbled across while googling for Posner having anything to say about CRT as it applies outside of the courtroom (failed, btw):
