Recent content by Fargle

  1. Fargle

    The Funny Pictures and Jokes Thread

    I would never buy something that silly to put on my cock!
  2. Fargle

    Coronavirus COVID-19 News specific to South Africa

    That makes it sound like intelligent people are making decisions based on a real threat. The reality is, it's a bunch of communist morons dictating what we can and can't do because they've found a way to do it legally. How anyone takes this shit seriously is beyond me. Very, very fucking sad.
  3. Fargle

    The Funny Pictures and Jokes Thread

    So, this seal walks into a club...
  4. Fargle

    We love cats!

    No, you may not drive MY forklift!
  5. Fargle

    Famous/Infamous Quotes

    The second that was posted I was waiting for it 😜
  6. Fargle

    Famous/Infamous Quotes

  7. Fargle

    Famous/Infamous Quotes

  8. Fargle

    Famous/Infamous Quotes

  9. Fargle

    Famous/Infamous Quotes

  10. Fargle

    Girl Talk

    I almost agreed, but fuck me there has to be some hope for a bit of happiness and sharing life with someone. It IS difficult and people can be pretty damned full of shit, but I believe compromise can often make it a LOT easier. I had to escape total control and uncompromising "I'm always right...
  11. Fargle

    Famous/Infamous Quotes

    It doesn't matter who said it, or why. If you like it, post it. "Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats." - 1919 H. L. Mencken
  12. Fargle

    Post your "Shower Thought" of the Day

    Someone else was in the shower with you? 🤔 🤣
  13. Fargle

    Post your "Shower Thought" of the Day

    Who'd have ever though it! We are a right, bright bunch of little fekkers...
  14. Fargle

    Coronavirus around the world thread

    7.9 Billion people... I'll repeat myself for fun and say 1 million dead a day over 10 years and the global population will stand at around 4 billion, not taking into account 350000 births a day. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  15. Fargle

    Your best movie of all time, you may only pick one

    That scene was pretty brutal, but an integral part of the film. Below is a pic of my screenplay of AN and a critical edition of Heart of Darkness.