The totally cool no stress US election thread



Is that the bible?
Yes. In the Torah it's "The heart of the wise man is at his right, whereas the heart of the fool is at his left."
Same passage in the Koran. Multiple references to right being good / wise, and left being evil / foolish.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
the sunlit uplands of Utopia

More fake news from the King of Shit!!

The Gateway Pundit is an American far-right[3][4] news and opinion website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods and spreading hoaxes.[5]

The Gateway Pundit is known as a source of viral falsehoods and hoaxes.[4][16][17] It has been described by Newsweek as a fake news website[18] and by CNN as a website "prone to peddling conspiracy theories."[19] As a result of a number of lawsuits against The Gateway Punditover its false stories, it was reported in March 2018 that Jim Hoft had told his writers to be more careful: "I don't want any more lawsuits so we have to be really careful with what we put up."[20] Hoft stated that he believes the lawsuits "are part of a multi-pronged effort to attack media outlets on the right."[20]

In late 2019, the English Wikipedia community deprecated The Gateway Pundit as a source for reporting "falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and intentionally misleading stories".[21]

2016 election[edit]
The Gateway Pundit promoted false rumors about voter fraud and Hillary Clinton's health.[11][22][23][24] Specifically, rumors of Hillary Clinton's poor health were disseminated via The Gateway Pundit's articles entitled, "Breaking: 71% of Doctors Say Hillary Health Concerns Serious, Possibly Disqualifying!" and "Wow! Did Hillary Clinton Just Suffer a Seizure on Camera?"[22][24] Regarding voter fraud, The Gateway Pundit published an unsubstantiated report during the 2016 presidential election from the Internet Research Agency, a Russian troll farm, claiming that Republicans had accused Broward County, Floridaofficials of tampering with mail-in ballots.[25]

Misidentifying shooters and terrorists[edit]
The Gateway Pundit has a record of misidentifying perpetrators of shootings and terror attacks.[26]

In October 2017, The Gateway Pundit published an article falsely implicating an innocent person as the shooter in the 2017 Las Vegas shooting. The article was promoted by Google as a "top story" for searches for his name.[27]Gateway Pundit asserted that New York Times reporter Rukmini Callimachihad reported that ISIS may have evidence that it was behind the shooting, but Callimachi denied that she had ever made such an assertion.[28]

Shortly after the 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, in which a person drove a vehicle into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing one, The Gateway Pundit falsely identified a young man from Michigan as the driver.[29]After the misidentification took place, the family went into hiding after receiving several death threats.[30][31] Together with his father, the Michigan man filed a defamation lawsuit against the publication and other related parties.[29]

The Gateway Pundit promoted conspiracy theories about Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.[32] In February 2018, The Gateway Pundit published an article erroneously stating that school shooter Nikolas Cruz was a registered Democrat, citing a registered Broward County voter with a similar name. The website later corrected its mistake.[33][34] Later that month, Gateway Punditwas one of a number of far-right websites that pushed the claim that at least one of the teenage survivors of Stoneman Douglas High School shooting was a deep state pawn,[35] alleging that David Hogg's gun control activism was being coached by his retired FBI agent father.[36]

In July 2018, Gateway Pundit falsely claimed that a man arrested with bomb-making equipment and illegal weapons had been a "leftist antifa terrorist". The individual in question was however a conservative whose Facebook profile was littered with pro-Second Amendment memes.[37]

In August 2018, Gateway Pundit falsely identified a Reddit user as the perpetrator of the Jacksonville Landing shooting.[38]


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
the sunlit uplands of Utopia
In December 2017, The Gateway Pundit published a Reddit post as evidence that Democratic activists were committing voter fraud in the 2017 Alabama Senate special election.[39] The redditor behind the post later said that the post was intended "as an obvious troll."[39] When asked by The Washington Post, the writer of the Gateway Pundit post declined to say whether he had contacted the redditor to verify the information; later the Gateway Pundit story contained an update at the bottom: "Liberals say these are fake Reddit posts(?) Regardless, the posts are still up on Reddit and the posters are still encouraging Democrats to cheat."[39] Also in December 2017, Gateway Punditpublished a story falsely saying that Facebook had taken down a previous Gateway Pundit story about the Alabama election, when in fact a Facebook algorithm had made it less prevalent after it had been flagged as fake news.[40]

In April 2018, The Gateway Pundit falsely claimed in a headline that two prominent African-American conservative video bloggers – Diamond and Silk – had been censored by Facebook.[41]

In September 2018, after psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford alleged that U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her in the 1980s when they were teenagers, The Gateway Pundit published an article[42] erroneously claiming that Kavanaugh's mother, a district court judge in Maryland, had once ruled in a foreclosure case against Dr. Ford's parents, creating what The Gateway Pundit called "bad blood" between the two families.[43] In an update, The Gateway Pundit noted, "CBS News reports the case was settled amicably and the Blaseys kept their house."[43]

On October 30, 2018, NBC News and The Atlantic published articles detailing a scheme to falsely accuse Robert Mueller of sexual misconduct in 1974. The articles reported involvement by Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl, the latter a writer for Gateway Pundit. Hours after these reports, Gateway Punditpublished on its site "exclusive documents" about a "very credible witness" to support the accusations against Mueller. Each document had in its header the phrase "International Private Intelligence," the business slogan of Surefire Intelligence, a firm created by Wohl. The site removed the documents later that day, stating they were investigating the matter, as well as "serious allegations against Jacob Wohl."[18] The following day, Gateway Pundit's owner Jim Hoft retweeted Wohl's comment suggesting Mueller's office was actually behind the scheme. Mueller's office had days earlier referred the scheme to the FBI. Burkman and Wohl convened a press conference outside Washington on November 1, ostensibly to present a woman who they said signed an affidavit, which Gateway Pundit had published, accusing Mueller of raping her in a New York hotel room in 2010 — on a date he was contemporaneously reported by The Washington Post to be serving jury duty in Washington.[44] The men accused Mueller's office of "leaking" the eight year-old Post story to discredit their allegations. The purported accuser, a Carolyne Cass, did not appear at the press conference, with the men asserting she had panicked in fear of her life and taken a flight to another location. Soon after the press conference, Hoft announced that Gateway Pundit had "suspended our relationship" with Wohl.[45][46][47][48][49]


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
the sunlit uplands of Utopia

And another fake news site!

A factual search reveals many failed fact checks by IFCN fact checkers. See list below.

Of Note, Charlie Kirk routinely publishes false information on twitter such as this.

Overall, we rate Turning Point USA, Questionable based on promotion of propaganda and numerous failed fact checks. Note: on 4/10/2019 Turning Point USA failed their fifth fact check, which moves them from Right Biased to the Questionable category. (D. Van Zandt 9/17/2017) Updated (10/05/2019)

and another one too long for a post



Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2020
Your opinion -- is just your opinion; mine is no different.
Real civil discourse is never a circle jerk of agreeable patrons.
Your opinion -- is just your opinion; mine is no different.
Real civil discourse is never a circle jerk of agreeable patrons.

Add me to the list of people who've shunned you since you've seen the light.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
So typical of the left... you want to ban anything that doesn't fit in with your preferred ideology.
Guess you hate free speech except your own.
Sure, calling for sensible discourse is exactly the same as hating free speech.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2020


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2020
The number of Americans voting by mail in the national election on November 3 is expected to nearly double due to coronavirus pandemic, which has hit the United States harder than any other country in terms of the number of deaths and cases.



Sure, calling for sensible discourse is exactly the same as hating free speech.
Who defines sensible discourse -- you and the rest of your circle jerk of friends.
Last time I checked communists don't like free speech... hence you've just proved my point.