Coronavirus COVID-19 News specific to South Africa


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
Code of Conduct for Enforcement Officers during the State
of Disaster


  • FINAL JOINT CODE OF CONDUCT 20 MAY 2020 signed.pdf
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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
27 May 2020
Media Statement

Clarity has been sought on the presentation made by the Minister of Health to the NCOP
yesterday regarding the determination of alert levels for hotspots.

An old slide was presented stating hotspots would remain at level 4. That slide is now out-
dated and was inadvertently included in a presentation that had been updated. The slide
was part of a presentation previously done by health department prior to the NCCC resolving
on the final approach to be adopted for the country, which was subsequently announced by
His Excellency, President MC Ramaphosa.

This note seeks to clarify the enquiries received.

Firstly, as announced by President MC Ramaphosa on the 24th May 2020, we confirm that
the whole country will move to Alert Level 3 on the 1st June 2020.

Further to that, government has taken measures to identify areas that have been defined as
epidemiological hotspots. As clearly explained by the President in his speech, these are ar-
eas that have more than 5 infected people per 100 000 population, or areas where the infec-
tions are increasing at a fast pace.

As it stands, government has immediately taken steps to intervene in areas that are regard-
ed as hotspots by deploying experts and specialists who will implement measures to curb
the spread. These areas also require heightened levels of tracing of contacts of positive pa-
tients, ensuring that those who are positive remain in quarantine/ isolation and those who
cannot self-quarantine, are accommodated in quarantine facilities provided for by provinces.

This will limit the risk of further infection to other members of the communities, including their
families (community transmission).

In some of these hotspots, cluster outbreaks have also been identified. This means, positive
cases arising from people participating in the same activity within a specific area. These in-
clude factories, grocery shops, farms etc. Those areas also require a rapid response of
screening, testing and the tracing of contacts. Cluster outbreaks drive the pandemic be-
cause spread occurs within the cluster then individuals take the virus home with them, thus
causing community outbreaks. It is for this reason that we emphasize the importance of
submitting to appropriate isolation once a person has tested positive or go into appropriate
quarantine when a person has been identified as a direct contact of a positive patient. This
reduces the risk of infecting others while waiting to be tested if you are a contact.

This therefore means that as the whole country moves to level 3, there will be constant as-
sessment of each and every area and its rate of infection, in which case, further containment
measures and restrictions may be considered. If the spread of the infection is not contained
despite the above mentioned interventions, government will make a determination on
whether to return that specific area, (i.e. metropolitan, district, sub district, ward) to alert level
4 or 5. This will be done rapidly and in an effort to contain and manage the spread, and also
to ensure that our health facilities are not overwhelmed by the rapid rise of positive cases in
that area.

This therefore means that as the whole country moves to level 3, there will be a constant
assessment of each and every area and its rate of infection.

This raises the importance of social behaviour: members of the community can and must
take it upon themselves to observe social distancing by keeping more than 1 metre distance
from the next person; constantly wash and/ or sanitize hands; wearing a face mask; avoid
touching ones face with unwashed hands; and clean surfaces we come into contact
with. We also want to emphasise that staying at home is remains key and for those employ-
ees who can work from home, we urge employers to promote and facilitate this new culture.
For those employees who must still go to work, they must embrace the new way of life which
will protect them, their families and their fellow workers.

Dr Zwelini Mkhize
Minister of Health


  • statement alert level 3 3.pdf
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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
The government confirmed on Thursday that co-operative governance and traditional affairs minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma and trade and industry minister Ebrahim Patel will address a news briefing on the regulations from 2pm.

A ministerial justice, crime prevention and security cluster briefing, “on security-related matters for Covid-19 level 3 restrictions”, is scheduled for 5pm.
