Coronavirus COVID-19 News specific to South Africa



Taxi driver who continued working after positive test faces attempted murder charges
A taxi driver who allegedly knew he tested positive for Covid-19 but did not tell his passengers and kept on driving, is to be formally charged with attempted murder.

The office of Western Cape police commissioner Lieutenant General Yolisa Matakata said on Friday that the taxi driver had been caught in Beaufort West.

I wonder how many taxi drivers with flu were arrested during the last decade or two? Similarly how many were arrested during the H1N1 flu outbreak. In typical fashion; government is taking its policy cues from fake news channels like CNN. i.e. arrest those who are financially struggling.

The only purpose of stay at home was to slow down the rate of infection to allow more time to prepare the hospitals and to protect those who are most vulnerable; but let's be honest:
  • the disaster the ANC created with the hospitals over the last 2 decades can't be fixed even with an extended year locked up at home, and employing Cuban doctors certainly won't change that.
  • neither is it practically possible to protect all the most vulnerable; people living in squatter dwellings certainly don't have the luxury of securing granny in the cottage, or keeping her in a nice (and costly) old age home / assisted living facility.
Following the Chinese "model"won't do anything but destroy our economy, ramp up unemployment and crimes -- because the ANC's unpunished corruption has ensured the "rainy day" piggy bank was emptied out long ago. The notion that some hand sanitiser (which not everyone can afford), and similarly face masks will stop the spread of covid-19 is blissfully naive. If either that or vaccines worked we wouldn't have as many deaths from flu each year.

For those pinning their hopes on an early vaccine; ask yourself these questions? Where is the vaccine...
  • ...for HIV?
  • ...for H1N1 (swine flu)?
  • ...for SARS?
  • ...for MERS?
  • ...for Ebola?
  • ...for Zika?
  • ...for Rabies?
  • etc.
So many viruses and hardly any vaccines to treat these; now ask why if vaccines are so effective do so many people still die yearly from flu; when there reportedly is a yearly vaccine for that?

This is a case of whether Africa including SA can really afford to stay shuttered when the economy was already a mess, and unemployment was a world record high before covid-19? ...because one thing you can be sure of it's going to be a far greater mess after this; and the longer it stays shuttered the greater the chance that it will never recover; similar to Zimbabwe.

Now before anybody says I'm heartless; think about this; the antibody studies have proven the mortality ratio is within the same ratio as the yearly flu, and we never shuttered for that, nor did we in 2009 shuttered for H1N1, etc. Secondly how many people died as a result of the economic tragedy in Zimbabwe compared to covid-19 -- and what would that economic tragedy mean for SA and the neighbouring countries in the same situation.

...and before you simply dismiss the notion that SA could be hot on the path to Africa's next Zimbabwe; I would suggest you look over the ANC's recent tweets and press statements about radical economic transformation, etc.
...because a non naive person would know that communists / socialists always see a tragedy as an opportunity to push their rotten ideology; an ideology that is guaranteed to fast track SA's Zimbabwe destination.

It's a guarantee that the ANC will use covid-19 to justify destroying the health care system in SA; leading to an exodus of most if not all the medical staff SA; naturally the communist ANC / EFF will say "good riddance" and say they have a solution -- the Cubans will help us out. Next will be the Reserve Bank; and exactly like Zimbabwe the lure of "free" money will entice the communists to start printing monopoly money to fund their uneconomical plans, to pay SASSA, ... -- but monopoly money as both Zimbabwe and Venezuela have proved even makes a poor substitute for toilet paper. Next will be nationalising everything, because communists don't like things they don't control like a crashing stock exchange, financial ratings, etc.

How I get from the arrest of a taxi driver trying to eek out a living to absolute turmoil is simple; SA has no real liberty before the law; neither do we have free speech, etc. A country with no liberty or free speech is China, Venezuela, Cuba, Zimbabwe, ... try mocking the president in those countries; or using a "naughty" word; or refuse to heed laws that undermine personal liberty... yeah it won't end well in either. Now try the same in SA; the taxi driver just proved liberty is SA is a farce.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
Typical DA blaming the ANC BS. I wish politicians would leave the politics out of it.

It's actually the other way about. He has been defending the WC against charges of everything from mismanaging the situation to racism, when in fact the number of cases basically in every region and every country is relative to the amount of tests actually carried out.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
Does anyone else think we should be having more regular addresses from the President? Two weeks and not a peep is pretty poor form when we are all wondering how tf this ends, or at least ramps down.


It's actually the other way about. He has been defending the WC against charges of everything from mismanaging the situation to racism, when in fact the number of cases basically in every region and every country is relative to the amount of tests actually carried out.
...and you can believe that the real amount of those who are / were infected by covid-19 is far greater than anything reported in any country worldwide. The antibody tests has proven that the actual number of those who are / were infected are at least 30 to 50 times as much as the reported figures; and that's in countries where it's possible for granny to be isolated in a cottage, old age home, etc. Here in SA, and Africa those infected by covid-19 is probably x 100 or more under reported; exacerbated by the high density living of squatter dwellings, etc.

Unfortunately ANC appear to base its decisions on CNN and the Democrats who share a similar rotten communist style ideology to the ANC & EFF -- hence they've adopted the similar policies of treating citizens as naughty kids that need to brow beaten into submission, imprisoned, fined, etc....


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
I am not a DA fan but what he says is 100% correct .
Deploying the whole army, talk of Radical Economic Transformation and the lack of transparency in decisions don't sit well with me, but it seems more like the DA is trying to stay relevant.


May 2, 2020
Deploying the whole army, talk of Radical Economic Transformation and the lack of transparency in decisions don't sit well with me, but it seems more like the DA is trying to stay relevant.
They may be trying to stay relevant , but some one needs to do some thing .
We are in the midst of the biggest economic disaster that SA has ever seen .
I am not one for conspiracy theories but it certainly is starting to look like a conspiracy .


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
They may be trying to stay relevant , but some one needs to do some thing .
We are in the midst of the biggest economic disaster that SA has ever seen .
I am not one for conspiracy theories but it certainly is starting to look like a conspiracy .
1.5m more people are now at work apparently at level 4, so surely that is progress?

Now we need to wait minimum two weeks, but more likely 4 weeks to see the new infection rate. If it spikes then we may very well go back to level 5. On the plus side, I'm in the Overberg, and we have very few infections, so we may end up at level 3.


May 2, 2020
1.5m more people are now at work apparently at level 4, so surely that is progress?

Now we need to wait minimum two weeks, but more likely 4 weeks to see the new infection rate. If it spikes then we may very well go back to level 5. On the plus side, I'm in the Overberg, and we have very few infections, so we may end up at level 3.
There is no reason for a lock down any more , protect the old and people with commodities and open the country .
This virus does not affect the young and healthy .


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2020
663 new cases
17 more fucked
End lock down? Keep lock down? I'm not sure if it matters anymore


Whilst I'm not a fan of the DA; I agreed with what they are saying here.

SA cannot afford this communist style lock down any more... more people will die as a result of the economic collapse than will ever die from covid-19. The last 25 years and the still shocking living standards, public hospitals, extreme levels of unemployment, high living costs, etc.. in SA are all the fault of the ANC and those who voted them into power. They literally deserve the rotten, inept and corrupt ANC they empowered.

SA is a democracy in name only; in reality it's a communist despotic kleptocracy and proof that majority rule democracies will always be doomed to fail, and similarly its proof that a naive majority can and always will be wrong more often than not -- kept naive by a biased media.


That's not quite correct. It affects them less, yes, but there are plenty of examples of perfectly healthy young people dying.
Where's the proof of this?
AFAIK the overwhelming majority of those who have died from covid-19 are people with co-morbidities i.e. they were already immune depressed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
Where the proof of this?
AFAIK the overwhelming majority of those who have died from covid-19 are people with co-morbidities i.e. they were already immune depressed.
Just from following the news, I can dig it up if it's important.

Yes majority are older and have comorbidities, but it's not exclusively that group. I've even read of a baby that died.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
Where's the proof of this?
AFAIK the overwhelming majority of those who have died from covid-19 are people with co-morbidities i.e. they were already immune depressed.
Misread your post.

A regular comorbidity is hypertension, that is not immune compromised.