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    Home Brewing

    Nah, I'm more than happy to go and buy the stuff if I can find somewhere that has the kit actually in stock. It's more of a hobby/interesting thing to do really. I have already been donated bottles, bottler and caps so need to organise all the other things. Maybe I must go adventuring on...
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    Home Brewing

    Any of you fine folks work with Cider at all? I'd love to play with brewing but truly hate beer :D
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    Amazing Pictures Thread

    Human hand. Fascinating thing. Weird fingers though.
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    Donate towards running costs

    And here I was coming in to donate $100m. Shan't now. But also, yay!
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    Beyond “Fermi’s Paradox” VI: The Berserker Hypothesis

    If you want a fun read that also deals with some of the science behind von Neumann probes, "The Bobbiverse" is great. Funny and serious sc-ifi
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    Your TakeAlot, Loot, Raru, Wootware, etc Buys, prices and reviews

    No man, the little brush is a urethra scrubber. Just received my FirstShop order. Only took them 4 months to get it to me :D
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    Scientists Just Narrowed Down The Age of Earth's Inner Core

    Holy shitsnacks that's a lot of pressure. I find it totally bizarre to try and separate the age of the core with the rest in my head. It's such a strange concept - I love that someone is thinking about this stuff though.
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    I'm so torn about Starlink. I want the coverage it's likely to provide and the hope that it will actually connect everyone it says it will (the world needs internet) but also the risk to visibility looks like it's going to be huge for astronomy. Which one wins?
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    Storms & Fires

    That table is all kindsa messed up. Beaufort ftw.
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    I think it's time for me to start printing see-through masks. ... And masks with a bottle top attachment
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    What are you eating just now?

    Friggin' Monster Munch is back in the shops. That is what I am eating for the forseeable future.
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    PC Building Thread

    Did this whole parade after 12 years of a faithful Intel. Now with replacing the stock stuff with Noctua it's so much quieter as well and I can manage to be in the same room with it. WRT thermal paste... flow and heatsink are going to ultimately make much more of a difference but hell it feels...
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    Such a Friday song Grandfather used to sing it to his kids and they passed it on to us in a much more sanitized form.
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    /starts to sing Cats on the rooftops