The totally cool no stress US election thread


Active Member
Jun 25, 2020
Trump is insisting on a drug test for both Biden and him before debates; because it'll show if Biden is taking Alzheimer's medication, ...

Democrats will avoid that; like they're avoiding debates -- same reason.

Trump isn't insisting on anything, he made it up in an interview just like he BSs his way through every interview. I'm still waiting on that comprehensive healthcare bill he promised would be here last month.

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Trump isn't insisting on anything, he made it up in an interview just like he BSs his way through every interview. I'm still waiting on that comprehensive healthcare bill he promised would be here last month.

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Hahaha, sure because CNN told you so.


Leftist scum eat their own... :ROFLMAO:

Ted Wheeler called the police for help, but none showed up... even appointing himself police commissioner hasn't earned a feckless mayor support from the police. :ROFLMAO:

Democrats are red pilling people daily with their Nazi Brownshirt scum.

If it couldn't get any funnier, people in the same building have started throwing water onto the Nazi scum; and now the scum are whining that someone should call the police. 🙄

If you've read Animal Farm, then you know how this ends.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2020
Nope... the intelligence has confirmed this; and Pelosi repeated this. i.e. that Iran, China and North Korea would prefer Biden. Not only prefer but are actively working towards that goal. Makes sense re Iran and certainly re China considering they "invested" over 1 billion dollars in his son's "investment firm".
Is this the excuse that Trump will use when he loses? The whole world was against him - how could he succeed?!


Is this the excuse that Trump will use when he loses? The whole world was against him - how could he succeed?!
...and you missed this? Trump has said nothing of the sort, plus which side has Nazi brownshirt style thugs, who are dressed in black and attack the opposition; or did CNN not show you that either?
Remember in Zimbabwe; ZanuPF thugs would physically attack and threaten the lives of people they thought would vote for MDC. Not tough to imagine Democrat thugs doing the same.

...and which party is pushing for mass mail out voting; a system known for fraudulent voting, cancelled ballots and difficult to declare elections? ...and which party opposes Voter ID?

Imagine voting without an ID in South Africa, and using mail out voting... you've got to be an absolute moron to think that would ever be credible. Moving that to the US doesn't make a corruptible process incorruptible.

Maybe CNN didn't show this for example...

Everyone is asked to belleve it's dangerous to vote in person, but protesting is ok, so too shopping, buying booze, ..
...and a bigger joke is that Democrats were protesting in person against having to vote in person... honestly who but a moron buys that crap.

Democrats say they oppose voter ID, because blacks are supposedly too stupid to get IDs... Mmmhhh I wonder how they explain South Africa?

...and CNN hasn't shown you the Democrat states that are changing Republicans to Democrats at the DMV, effectively making it impossible for them to vote for a Republican if they forget to check that this fraud is taking place.

...and CNN hasn't shown you which states elections registrations are unmaintained; where some states have 120%+ of the physical population registered -- mix that with mass mail out voting and you have a good recipe for fraud. Imagine EFF getting their hands on an additional 20%+ ballots they can fill in. Remember none of these states do signature verification, so grab any ballot and post it back.

...and CNN hasn't shown you the corruption related to ballot harvesting... Imagine an EFF guy coming to you door and promising to deliver your ballot for you. That's again a Democrat thing, and any party can canvas and submit votes on your behalf and they don't even need to talk to you, because signatures aren't verified.

...and CNN hasn't shown you the prosecution of USPS workers that have been caught re mail out ballot fraud.

...and CNN hasn't shown you which party opposes an accurate population census, because an accurate census and no voter ID isn't a recipe for fraudulent voting by non citizens; aside from the other fraud that's tied to an inaccurate census.

...and CNN hasn't shown you which party wants to get rid of the electoral college; the very thing that the architects of America's Constitutional Republican put in to tie the states together by avoiding a tyranny of majority that makes "Democracies" like South Afruca and Zimbabwe so inherently flawed... I.e. Democracy in name only -- in effect despotic governance of ZanuPF and ANC, etc.

Whereas Republicans want Voter ID no different to South Africa and for the same reasons; avoid election fraud. Plus they oppose ballot harvesting, mass mail out voting, etc.... I.e. Everyone votes in person no different to how South Africa does it -- special arrangements are only to be made for those voting overseas and the frail.

Now tell me again whose is pushing to make voter fraud easy and who is trying secure the integrity.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2020
...and you missed this? Trump has said nothing of the sort, plus which side has Nazi brownshirt style thugs, who are dressed in black and attack the opposition; or did CNN not show you that either?
Remember in Zimbabwe; ZanuPF thugs would physically attack and threaten the lives of people they thought would vote for MDC. Not tough to imagine Democrat thugs doing the same.

...and which party is pushing for mass mail out voting; a system known for fraudulent voting, cancelled ballots and difficult to declare elections? ...and which party opposes Voter ID?

Imagine voting without an ID in South Africa, and using mail out voting... you've got to be an absolute moron to think that would ever be credible. Moving that to the US doesn't make a corruptible process incorruptible.

Maybe CNN didn't show this for example...

Everyone is asked to belleve it's dangerous to vote in person, but protesting is ok, so too shopping, buying booze, ..
...and a bigger joke is that Democrats were protesting in person against having to vote in person... honestly who but a moron buys that crap.

Democrats say they oppose voter ID, because blacks are supposedly too stupid to get IDs... Mmmhhh I wonder how they explain South Africa?

...and CNN hasn't shown you the Democrat states that are changing Republicans to Democrats at the DMV, effectively making it impossible for them to vote for a Republican if they forget to check that this fraud is taking place.

...and CNN hasn't shown you which states elections registrations are unmaintained; where some states have 120%+ of the physical population registered -- mix that with mass mail out voting and you have a good recipe for fraud. Imagine EFF getting their hands on an additional 20%+ ballots they can fill in. Remember none of these states do signature verification, so grab any ballot and post it back.

...and CNN hasn't shown you the corruption related to ballot harvesting... Imagine an EFF guy coming to you door and promising to deliver your ballot for you. That's again a Democrat thing, and any party can canvas and submit votes on your behalf and they don't even need to talk to you, because signatures aren't verified.

...and CNN hasn't shown you the prosecution of USPS workers that have been caught re mail out ballot fraud.

...and CNN hasn't shown you which party opposes an accurate population census, because an accurate census and no voter ID isn't a recipe for fraudulent voting by non citizens; aside from the other fraud that's tied to an inaccurate census.

...and CNN hasn't shown you which party wants to get rid of the electoral college; the very thing that the architects of America's Constitutional Republican put in to tie the states together by avoiding a tyranny of majority that makes "Democracies" like South Afruca and Zimbabwe so inherently flawed... I.e. Democracy in name only -- in effect despotic governance of ZanuPF and ANC, etc.

Whereas Republicans want Voter ID no different to South Africa and for the same reasons; avoid election fraud. Plus they oppose ballot harvesting, mass mail out voting, etc.... I.e. Everyone votes in person no different to how South Africa does it -- special arrangements are only to be made for those voting overseas and the frail.

Now tell me again whose is pushing to make voter fraud easy and who is trying secure the integrity.

Trump has used the mail vote several times. What is different now ?



Trump has used the mail vote several times. What is different now ?
Whew... if you're asking that, then they've clearly brainwashed you.
Absentee ballots are not the same as Mass mail out ballots...
  • The former involves filling in application for it, which must be approved and signatures are verified when you send in your ballot.
  • The latter has no approvals, no verifications and is sent to everyone on the electoral roll; the rolls they don't update.

Are you really that CNN-brainwashed, that you can't recognise the problems with mass mail out voting...?
...would you like the South Africa e.g. to get rid of Voter ID checks, registrations for votes, and allow mass mailing out of vote ballots? I'm sure the ANC and EFF would love it.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2020
Whew... if you're asking that, then they've clearly brainwashed you.
Absentee ballots are not the same as Mass mail out ballots...
  • The former involves filling in application for it, which must be approved and signatures are verified when you send in your ballot.
  • The latter has no approvals, no verifications and is sent to everyone on the electoral roll; the rolls they don't update.

Are you really that CNN-brainwashed, that you can't recognise the problems with mass mail out voting...?
...would you like the South Africa e.g. to get rid of Voter ID checks, registrations for votes, and allow mass mailing out of vote ballots? I'm sure the ANC and EFF would love it.
In Florida they are the same - look it up


CNN is a joke... speeches are dangerous...
...but the Democrat Nazi Brownshirt style scum assaulting people on the streets are OK :rolleyes:

Up is down, Down is up in a brainwashed marxist world; Ignore your lying eyes; listen only to what CNN tells you to believe.

Mainstream media is the Democrat's keyboard.

Some on this thread; fit this definition -- i.e. Confidently moronic.

The "Fine People" hoax is a good example of this...
39% believe the lie, because Democrats and their Fake News cohorts keep repeating it. These are the brainwashed bunch.
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