South African duo break karaoke world record


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Mar 4, 2020
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Aug. 27 (UPI) -- A South African duo broke a Guinness World Record by singing karaoke songs for a total 35 consecutive hours.

Jacqueline Brits and Rhinus Lotz of Mbombela said they had initially planned to sing for a full 48 hours, but they decided to stop at 35 due to exhaustion from the marathon singing session.

The attempt took place at Wild Medlar and the venue live streamed the attempt on Facebook.

The record attempt raised money for rebuilding a church in Dixie Farm, a small community outside of Barberton.

Brits said the project is aiming to raise $5,866 for church construction by the end of June 2021, and the Guinness record raised $1,877 to go toward that total.
