AMD and Windows 11


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2020
Rather embed the video:

And it's wrong, that has to do with AMD using core complexes so cache latency for L3, Intel's case is just that they're still using the monolith design.
That was an issue already in W10, seems MS didn't port the fixes properly. It supposedly has already been patched:
And there is another patch that should release tomorrow that supposedly fixes the last bugs.

Still don't like JayZ, he has an ego problem and can't ever handle being corrected, e.g. when he did soldering and some other things.

And he says "oh performance decrease and L3 cache latency increase", no it's the L3 cache latency increase that's causing the ST performance issues.

And MS collaborates with AMD as well, not just Intel, it's just that AMD doesn't have as many engineers, they don't invest as much into supporting their products as Intel does. This is an AMD problem and not a MS problem, that AMD problem is also seen with game support, etc.

SmartByte is a network service, e.g. Dell uses it to help do network prioritization, that's using CPU so obviously the cache performance has a large impact.
This is quite ignorant, you'd expect more from someone trying to explain the stuff, even LTT that glosses over a lot of it does a lot better a job.
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