SONA 2021 | Ramaphosa to address the nation (at 7PM)


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2020
Just starting off with this:

Will update the post with the live link later on.

So summary of her points (Prof of political sciences at Stellies):
- pandemic, what actually happening vaccine
- job creation, what is actually happening, stop promise of job, actual plan
-- funding. Entrepreneur, tourism, etc.
-- lockdown: without certainty with vaccine etc. then no one knows if someone can go back to work. Requires more rationality. How/when allowed to work
- GBV, how rolled out, money is spent for it, how is it going to be monitored. Linked to corporate sector, corporate wants to know how it's spent.
- actually follow science, e.g. liquor, stop with political plays

Presenter says we never get that much details, so why now.

- extraordinary times. Normal is lay of the land, but different as lockdown, demands more detail.

Reality: nothing.

DA is asking for cadre denouncement by Ramaphosa.

Link to live will be here:
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Active Member
Jun 16, 2020
Going to be a bunch of lies, white man bad, corruption will be dealt with. All bollocks from his lying mouth

Paul Hjul

Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
There are a couple of areas where policies of today are worse than policies of 5 years ago. But I don't think sight should be lost of several developments which if not undermined by ANC ideology gives SA a future.

Paul Hjul

Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Rather odd that Mogoeng isn't present. Zondo is present but not the CJ.

All and all I am pleased with the message being sent that business of Parliament continues with an orderly opening and virtual attendance.

Hopefully post pandemic more of Parliament will be done with telepresence happening and a room at the Union Building and all of the provincial legislature buildings will be hooked up for DGs and do on to appear before committees without flying down to Cape Town.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2020
Wtf is that 3 centuries of oppression, are we going to keep BEE till 2300 now?

EDIT: Also really happy I have broadcast to remove that whine.

EDIT2: Revealed true character, the entire PPE scandal. Equal economy, wtf is that, they're more bent on destroying it.

EDIT3: 9 mil vaccines purchase for johnson and johnson, only 80k next week, 500k over the next month. Nothing else about the other 8.5mil. Was a 2 jab thing I think, so 250k people over one month max. The rest has no dates attached to when vaccine.

Saying used science based approach as was used till now, even though can't point to the science. More BS.

Thanks corporations for helping mass vaccine including medical aids, but no mention about medical aids probably going to pull out as there's no prioritization for them.

Now he's on about poverty again, and social injustice that was "legcay" and saying that pandemic made it worse. He's really playing to apartheid and Covid.

Now saying all budgets before didn't work as had to defer stuff, RSA sharp decline growth and increase unemployment, Q3 economy was 6% smaller than it was in Q4 2019. 1.7m fewer employed Q3 vs Q1 2020. Unemployment stands at 30.8% (remember does not include people giving up, so utter BS figure). (Note said nothing about budgets that were deferred after saying happened).

They expect strong employment recovery by end of 2021.

Social package given he's saying R500bn given/support/relief to people, businesses, etc. (note the numbers coming, not even close to R500bn)

18m people or 1/3 got additional grant payments through it. This lifted 5m above food poverty line. Nothing about it being temporary.
R57bn over 4.5m workers for TERS. More than R1.3bn support for SM enterprises. Over R70bn in tax relief for businesses in distress (most of the time those are temp/deferred rather than given away). R18bn in loans for 13k businesses for loan guarantee scheme.

- infrastructure
- local production
- employment stimulus for jobs
- rapid expansion of energy generation capacity

He said they announced infrastructure, that they need to rebuild tech skills in government to prepare and manage it. He said skills were lost over time, now developed infrastructure investment project/pipeline worth R340bn in water, energy, telecommunications. Construction started and progress made, since started made 2 new building projects for over 68k people. Similar human settlement projects are planned al over country (again nothing about it being government expense with no value added).

Now saying need new cities away from apartheid planning (whatever the hell this means). Now he's bragging about Lanseria being first new city after apartheid. Draft master plan for smart city, will be 350k-1mil people housing, complete in Nov 2020, now out public comment. (Completely useless, don't need it, there's cities already that need to be sorted. What a waste of money). They're trying to sort out water, crocodile river and two others, those infrastructure investment plan need that and roads worth R19bn required. Work underway to find finance and structuring. Resources committed from fiscus to support construction for N1, N2, and N3 highways (guess fuel tax maybe worked?). That will lead to revival of construction and create jobs. The R100bn infrastructure fund will get finance private, lending from government. Approved pipeline for 2021, will include student housing infrastructure, aim to provide 300k student beds. Got SA connect, broadband to schools, hospitals, police stations and other government facilities (why not team with private?).

Second thing is local production, become global competitive, will get more investment. Says government, business and locals need to buy local. Yet nothing about how local is way more expensive. Brags about his suit being local, like we can all afford expensive suits. Almost as though he doesn't realize it's been attempted

Want to reduce import by 20%, multiple products like furniture, oil, steel products, etc. that all can be sourced locally, so SA gets more customs duties. Saying local will then start businesses and export it. No way that can happen with no power. Saying will bring in R200bn in output.
Wants to designate products to come from local only.

New framework identified 1k products that must come from local. Supposedly "robust" manufacturing programs are supporting it. That there are sector master plans. 4 "master plans" that have been signed and completed have had impact, e.g. poultry master plan, poultry industry was under stress, needed a "master plan" while saying nothing what it was. Supposedly R800m invested in it, SA produces extra 1m chickens (isn't this after drought?). Sugar plan, 80% must come from local, saw rise in local production, decline in imported (yet nothing about how much). Support for black small scale farmers with large company helping out, so not government again.

Since clothing, textile plan in Nov 2019, industry invested R500m to expand local facilities, auto sector got helped to weather pandemic, supposedly auto recovered 70% of annual. Ford R60bn (think m was meant?) manufacturing facility build for world export. Now saying it supports small medium black businesses that blacks have never gotten into (what BS is this, want stats).

Nearly half of construction for tschwane economic zone is expected to be allocated to SME (R1.7bn in procurement opportunities, nothing about value created/coming off government).

Toyota first hybrid vehicles. All this auto stuff him saying auto is expanding is obvious, why wouldn't they for one of the richest economies in africa.

Now implementing black industrial fund, again disadvantaging/ignoring whites.

Now he's talking about other African countries starting automakers, that they will rely on SA for components.

He's basically not said anything.


Just said BEE must be made more extreme, no reversal on that policy. So that's just scared away more investment, and now he's saying investment conference is great as R108bn commitment, with previous it's R700bn+ out of R1.2tn for 5 years wanted, only R183bn has actually shown up so far. Note he's been president since 2018, so 3 years a total of R183bn is horrendous.


Now he's like great, more businesses can be registered, nothing about the actual difficulty of operating it. IFP member is just shaking his head.


He's stating private sector biggest creator of jobs, that's why massive reforms so private sector can invest. Nothing about reforms yet, just saying more conducive environment. Just "clear commitment to grow economy and create jobs", nothing on how. Now private is responsible for creating jobs. Now bragging about his 430k opportunities made by his stimulus package, 180k in recruitment process, in education, arts, film, culture, etc. so all not really creating value. He's just happy they are getting income, saying they're contributing to economy while not stating how it's being taken from economy to pay them rather than value creation. What BS again.


He's saying symbiotic relationship between private and public, that private should be largest creator of jobs. So nothing mentioned about having to cut jobs to balance budgets, basically completely ignored it again, and happy about expanding it instead. Budget speech is going to be so fun.

And more youth program needing funding again.


Now talking about energy sector, Eskom needs to be restored.
Says Eskom restructured in 3, yet we actually still haven't seen it.

Eskom supposedly making progress with maintenance, can see some MPs shaking heads. Government working with Eskom to manage debt and reduce dependence on fiscus, so tariffs will be looked at to be proper cost supposedly, with municipal debt looked at as well, so looking at even higher energy cost increase than has been said.

Saying they urgently been planning increase in power, now getting 2GW of power, and that law for municipalities private power buying is

11800MW to be procured using 2019 plan (the one that was said was bad). 4-6GW shortfall even with this plan over the next 5 years. Part of measure over coming weeks for request for proposal, 6200MW from wind and solar, and then Aug 2021 again. Nothing about how wind is 35% capacity factor nor solar ~40%.

Will amend schedule 2 of electricity act to increase power threshold for electricity generation over the next 2 months. Eskom started expedition to allow additional capacity to grid. Complaints that Eskom took too long previously, now they do faster (no guideline as to how much faster).

Climate change stuff. Will now affirm commitment to Paris agreement. Eskom has comitted to net zero emission by 2050 (that's way too late, that's literally all current coal fleets basically being end of life, hollow words).

New commission for climate change plan.


Now saying need structural reform to increase competition, stimulate new investment to create space in market. New operation of african name, national treasury and presidents office, reform in electricity, water, telecommunications, transport, visa and immigration regime. So nothing then besides a money waste again.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2020
Digital migration starting next month, ends March 2022, will be done province by province, court case on licensing matter will provide certainty and not delay auction process (wtf. rather address the issue).

Water licenses will be done within 90 days, strengthening water quality measurement, new water pricing, new agency for national water management. Nothing about how we already have waterboards whose job it's supposed to be. Saying globular look for water, not sure how that helps, water is regional.

Repositioning Durban as southern hemisphere as container terminal of choice, rail corrider from Gauteng to enable export of vehicles from PE. Rail from Gauteng to PE to get them off the roads.

Now Visa skill attraction, tourism as well, e-visa for visitors from China, Nigeria etc.
Revised list of critical skills will be published by Home Affairs within one week. Nothing about how skills are actually fleeing.


African name project for more modern/efficient/competitive/open economy the presidential state owned enterprise will have new reforms happen, public companies, overarching legislation for SEO will be started this financial year, for parliament next, centralized SEO model. Standardized governance/management/etc., mandate of all SEO re-evaluated for country needs, and follow national development plan. So basically nothing besides shifting deck chairs.

Agriculture did well in Covid, bragging about second biggest citrus export, nothing about how the harbors nearly messed it up, including the lockdown, or how messed it up badly.

Now doing transformation again, wants land redistribution through expropriation of land. He's really being stupid with his word choice if he wants investments, he's hoping it gets picked up by the dumb masses.

Trying to increase commercial black farmers, new agency for land reform.

Saying government needs to appoint qualified people at municipal level, and that they should be repairing/maintaining stuff, that non-qualified people are no longer supposed to be there, yet nothing about solving it. Then goes to talk about votes.

Corruption talked about, how state capture issue, otherwise only hot air so far. Interesting point added: new anti corruption unit, reports to parliament, somehow they managed to be authorized to investigate all bad procurement for Covid, yet somehow that was never brought to parliament.
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Papa Smurf

Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2020
3rd Rock From The Sun
You guys seriously watching that kak?
Im chilling on my stoep enjoying the sunset in my baggies and no t shirt listening to Phil Colins loud - In The Air Tonight
Enjoying another beautiful African night (y)
Oh and also drinking many Black Labels before I start making pizzas outside for supper and tomorrows work lunch


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2020
You guys seriously watching that kak?
Im chilling on my stoep enjoying the sunset in my baggies and no t shirt listening to Phil Colins loud - In The Air Tonight
Enjoying another beautiful African night (y)
Oh and also drinking many Black Labels before I start making pizzas outside for supper and tomorrows work lunch
Watching it as it defines whether SA goes to utter shit or not, so far all the actual issues like huge workforce ignored, went opposite.

Political funding act comes into operation on 1 April 2021, he's made a comment about how parliament is not happy, requires disclosure of donation to parliament.

Cross border stuff again, so more money thrown there, no real plan.

Now GBV thing, 3 new legislation in parliament, nothing about them. Saying something about sorting out cases, yet nothing about e.g. DNA issue backlog.
40% of procurement goes to women owned companies. Nice way to remove competition.

Last week new GBV fund, they made pledges of R128m to assist in fight against it, yet nothing about how it will be used/responsibility. Government will implement R12bn over the next few years to sort it out (not sure how that will help, it's cultural and societal issue, latter no job often makes it happen).

R350 grant contiuing another 3 months, TERS extended till 15 March 2021 only for sectors to open (will be announced later who they are).
Again, no mention of where money is coming from.

They're talking about improvements to loan system of R500bn (remember it was completely useless).

Closing phrases now, talking about values of what is was founded, yet that goes against his entire black based policies.
Oh he's changing the quote, saying need to continue/increase struggle, so he's really very determined in the BEE policies.

Zulu king is ill, will be fun to see what happens when he dies.

Nice, he picked a poem about black people/slavery. Then says right after equality again, when he just said blacks are more important so many times in this speech.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2020
- Eskom more procurement plan, not enough
-- IPP will within 2 months have increase allowed for selling more power (Note its timing is during the Eskom demand possibly met with reserves, but just before 2GW+ shortfall again)
-- Electricity tariff to be re-looked at to make "realistic" cost, as in government not pay
- Infrastructure promises again, basically only 183bn of R1.2tn over 5 years has materialized, that's over the two years since started.
- Expect a lot of customs duties on more stuff like oil, furniture, steel products, etc. as want to make "local", good chance textile gets even more duties, and then hoping local takes up on it (nothing about power supply constraining that)
- Saying private must employ more people, nothing about how private sector has been decimated by government incompetence
- Vaccine wise we have 500k J&J so 250k people till end of March, that's it, rest are numbers in the air (note healthcare workers are 1.25m).
- TERS for some sectors till March 2021
- R350 handout till June, coincides with what will probably be voting dates
- New anti-corruption unit that reports to parliament (yet hasn't actually done so and been operating a year)
- Lots of infrastructure development wrapped up as though it's special/wouldn't have been done anyways
- New railroad from Gauteng to PE, this will probably take years.
- Government not cutting workforce, increasing by 580k for those opportunities bit, still 130k to go.
- GBV fund that's BS.
- Government stepping up on BEE, as in will become more extreme. Government will expropriate more land.
- Extra centralized water board, so even more government employees.

And then stuff congratulating himself on achieving it, when government was actively sabotaging the stuff.

Forgot electricity one.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2020
Earth C137
You guys seriously watching that kak?
Im chilling on my stoep enjoying the sunset in my baggies and no t shirt listening to Phil Colins loud - In The Air Tonight
Enjoying another beautiful African night (y)
Oh and also drinking many Black Labels before I start making pizzas outside for supper and tomorrows work lunch


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2020
Earth C137
As a young individual it blows my mind how government are allowed to get away with some of these things, nothing gets taken seriously, all I can do for now is work damn hard to make sure I get a decent education and make a swift exit.

Things like loadshedding, crime and taxpayers money disappearing affects all walks of life and I'm not prepared to see the aftereffects of how the current government has fucked us.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
Awesome TL: DW @Johnatan56 .
How all of that was said with a straight face boggles the mind.
Most investors probably stopped listening halfway through to go and get their red koki pens out.

Papa Smurf

Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2020
3rd Rock From The Sun
Watching it as it defines whether SA goes to utter shit or not, so far all the actual issues like huge workforce ignored, went opposite.

Political funding act comes into operation on 1 April 2021, he's made a comment about how parliament is not happy, requires disclosure of donation to parliament.

Cross border stuff again, so more money thrown there, no real plan.

Now GBV thing, 3 new legislation in parliament, nothing about them. Saying something about sorting out cases, yet nothing about e.g. DNA issue backlog.
40% of procurement goes to women owned companies. Nice way to remove competition.

Last week new GBV fund, they made pledges of R128m to assist in fight against it, yet nothing about how it will be used/responsibility. Government will implement R12bn over the next few years to sort it out (not sure how that will help, it's cultural and societal issue, latter no job often makes it happen).

R350 grant contiuing another 3 months, TERS extended till 15 March 2021 only for sectors to open (will be announced later who they are).
Again, no mention of where money is coming from.

They're talking about improvements to loan system of R500bn (remember it was completely useless).

Closing phrases now, talking about values of what is was founded, yet that goes against his entire black based policies.
Oh he's changing the quote, saying need to continue/increase struggle, so he's really very determined in the BEE policies.

Zulu king is ill, will be fun to see what happens when he dies.

Nice, he picked a poem about black people/slavery. Then says right after equality again, when he just said blacks are more important so many times in this speech.
Sorry man
I read as far as you saying Watching it as it defines whether SA goes to utter shit
Then closed the thead
Nothing new, been like that for decades (y)

:love: viva ANC


Active Member
Aug 6, 2020
WTF seems everything which stems from Apartheid is anathema to them, and they want to reinvent the wheel.

Everything is dependent on a rapidly-shrinking taxpayer base.

The resulting implosion will not be fun.