LPW 27: Just woke up

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Seldom Bucket

Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2020
Why do people conflate mental illness with insanity?
It's a stigma that has come along with it for many a year. In the Victorian era someone with depression, Bi-Polar etc would be sent to the funny farm by the family members because they are seen as insane by said family members.
It is a stigma/ association that is slowly changing


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2020
That's not actually that bad, did something similar about three months after two more major surgeries, was 20-25km a day carrying 19kg, was a 5 day hike, up and down mountains though so not flat ground.

Admittedly only the last two days when the weight went way down did I manage it in the <5 hour mark though, but think I could probably do it now. Good shoes are very important if you do something like that, and the legions had their steel tipped boots, don't think I would have made that, but they went through a lot of training to become part of it.
Why do people conflate mental illness with insanity?
Because someone being/acting insane is one of the most common mental illness symptoms that people notice.


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2020
East London
That's not actually that bad, did something similar about three months after two more major surgeries, was 20-25km a day carrying 19kg, was a 5 day hike, up and down mountains though so not flat ground.

Admittedly only the last two days when the weight went way down did I manage it in the <5 hour mark though, but think I could probably do it now. Good shoes are very important if you do something like that, and the legions had their steel tipped boots, don't think I would have made that, but they went through a lot of training to become part of it.

Because someone being/acting insane is one of the most common mental illness symptoms that people notice.
I'd call that quite a feat.


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2020
East London
That's not actually that bad, did something similar about three months after two more major surgeries, was 20-25km a day carrying 19kg, was a 5 day hike, up and down mountains though so not flat ground.

Admittedly only the last two days when the weight went way down did I manage it in the <5 hour mark though, but think I could probably do it now. Good shoes are very important if you do something like that, and the legions had their steel tipped boots, don't think I would have made that, but they went through a lot of training to become part of it.

Because someone being/acting insane is one of the most common mental illness symptoms that people notice.
Sad to to say that my first boss claims to have been expecting me to jump out of a window or whip out a knife at any moment. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2020
I'd call that quite a feat.
Dunno, if you're younger and you're moderately fit and train for a few weeks, you should be able to do the same, it's just a lot of effort. That said, my school was fitter than most people as side of mountain, so average fitness of our class was a bit above normal, plus Germans are very much into having "proper" PE (as in super competitive swimming, athletics, gymnastics, etc. and I am not really great at any of that, so was average at best, while in other schools I would probs be above average, just based on me playing e.g. soccer with others at uni and seeing how unfit/unable to run for longer a lot of people are).
Sad to to say that my first boss claims to have been expecting me to jump out of a window or whip out a knife at any moment. :rolleyes:
The issue is that most people that have mental illnesses are not really integrated into society, as in you won't often meet people that are mentally ill as they'll be e.g. kept at home.

My 1st grade teacher's son was diagnosed with schizophrenia, started off beginning of second year, he was a really good student, heading to uni, I met him in 1st grade and played chess with him. By the end of the second year he basically couldn't leave the house anymore as he got super scared randomly, one time it was just shadow cast by a building across the field. I was pretty young, so didn't understand why he was freaking out.

I did meet him a couple of times since then, always years apart, and he always recognizes me and I not him, he's basically stuck in limbo is the best way of putting it. For someone like him, he would be the case where he would jump out the window, take a knife etc. if something freaked him out, all differing degrees.

Then take someone like my grandparents, Alzheimers and dementia, was just a case of my gran at random points talking intelligibly, then other cases like two class members in school that were bipolar where one ended up cutting herself randomly, the other just did crazy things like cheating on boyfriend, crashing a car, etc. until they got her meds right, with the biggest issue being that between 15-19 the dosages needed to be adjusted but you don't know until it works.

Just a huge range in regards to mental illness and no two people are alike, and South Africa is worse than a lot of other countries, still has those prison like mental asylums and stuff, it's not nice.


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2020
East London
The issue is that most people that have mental illnesses are not really integrated into society, as in you won't often meet people that are mentally ill as they'll be e.g. kept at home.

Especially so in the workplace, which can be more challenging than grocery shopping [when the shop is not crowded] or browsing in a library.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
definition of insanity ... doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome ...


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2020
East London

Alternative version of my Vanilla Delphine in Epic's MetaHuman Creator. The software is online at the moment, and render quality is reportedly an issue unless one has an exceptionally fast internet connection and high-spec. computer. Exports to Unreal Studio and Maya only at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
That is a really difficult question to answer as all eras have good and bad things. I shall have to give this some thought
Far enought in the future to go visit elon musk's colony on mars ...
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