I keep getting banned

Rudolph Hart

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020
MFA is turning out to be a pain in the butt. Great when you have everything working but once you lose access to any one device, you’re screwed.

Seldom Bucket

Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2020

Rudolph Hart

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020
Takealot’s Captcha pisses me off - I tell it to use my saved username and password and the Captcha blocks the login so I have to go back, convince it I’m human and then populate the username and password fields. Every single time I log in.

Seldom Bucket

Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2020
Takealot’s Captcha pisses me off - I tell it to use my saved username and password and the Captcha blocks the login so I have to go back, convince it I’m human and then populate the username and password fields. Every single time I log in.
That, especially when trying to log into your own account


The mods there are wanna be cops, they get a kick out of the "power". I was banned there last year for no reason after being a member since Aug 2003 and 70,000 posts.
I have spent an obscene amount of time working out that place. I've been there from the very beginning, in 2003. I shall share what I know about that place here for the benefit of others. I have had over 10 user accounts on that forum, some of which they have deleted without trace

First of all, you need to know and accept that Rudolph Muller is a cocksucker! He is a fucking crook. He has been devious from the start. He has no integrity and never has had any. Right from the start it has been that way. I joined the forum in 2003, gave it a miss for a year because I forgot about it and began taking part in 2004.

Now, onto the interesting bits
Phase One - Early
I started interacting there in 2004, by 2005 I was banned for the first time. Because I have ASD, I don't mix well with humans on that forum. I am the problem and there's nothing I can do about it. Became unpopular because I was being asked by some people on that site (Debbie Love, Douglas Simoes, David Viaene) to help the cause to go against Telkom and share secrets about Telkom and I was not happy to do that (because I did work for Telkom - had to, they paid for my studies because my parents were too busy shoving money up my brother's arse to care about me). Note that many of the current moderators were already moderators at this stage. For example (ic, TheLibrarian, Jan, Dominic, TheRodent etc...).

Phase Two- Sellout
During 2009 - 2011 Rudolph allowed two things. He allowed Telkom to advertise, and then he allowed Jannie van Zyl from Vodacom, to become active on the forum. Jannie was given mod powers and that's when the censorship began. This didn't sit well with Douglas or Debbie. This is the period when he became an arsehole and began to ban people for either criticizing Vodacom, or him or Jannie. It was then revealed that the site was being sponsored by Vodacom. My third or fourth account- can't remember, got banned for criticizing Vodacom. At one point during these years a bit of controversy about banning people raised questions at Vodacom. Jannie Van Zyl was likely behind this because I seem to recall that dude emailing me aswell to try and threaten me. Rudolph Muller had me traced, and I received a phone call at work from him, where I was offered a choice- either toe the line and be unbanned, or become persona non grata forever. I declined, and some of us started a competing forum together known as bblounge. December 2011 Rudolph had us all served with a cease-and-desist from his lawyer friend Reinhardt Buys.

Phase Three - We love Multichoice

From around 2013-2015, a lot of advertisers were brought on board, but yes, MultiChoice was the big one. Many of my later user accounts were banned because I mocked DSTV/Multichoice articles or posted critique about MultiChoice's crap. During 2014 I had lost my job and was unemployed so didn't spent a whole lot of time there as I had no internet.

Phase Four - Kevin Lancaster aka Kevin Spamcaster
Now this journalist... oh boy, pure Gen Z special snowflake. But this guy paved the way for the Guest journalist spam of today
I had great pride (as did many others) pointing out his flawed journalism and outright lies. And I was not alone. Along with me was the then CTO of BidorBuy (Gerd Naschenweng). We knew we couldn't go toe to toe with ole Spamcaster on the forum, so we would comment on Disqus instead.
In 2017, along with the change in logo, the rules on Disqus changed, and along with that came the Disqus bans and them putting up the warning on Disqus. I spent much of 2017 creating accounts to evade the bans but in the end it proved to be too much effort. But yes, I hold the distinction of driving ole Kevin into obscurity. I was told that me and Gerd made him suffer a breakdown of some sort. Note that during this time however, he was named the MD of the company. By then Mybroadband was formed as a media company and that's what it is today. A news outlet, nothing more.
In 2017 they banned Gerd, and he spoke of it in his website here:
In those days I had a dedicated Weebly site set up where I would ridicule MyBroadband and Kevin, in the end I believe it was justified as it got rid of him and his crappy spam. My site got a lot of traffic, but I decided to shut it down towards the end of 2017, because the financial costs and also the legal threats, were taking their toll.

Phase Five - Life goes on
During 2018 I created a new account, or two XD, and in general I'd toned down my activities there because work got busier and life took a different turn. I had moved to Cape Town and a lot of my anger about journalistic lies had dissipated. Just before lockdown I was banned again. Because I simply pointed out that the journalists were moved into a Staff category and that category could not be put on ignore.
Since then I've not really bothered to be there, because nowadays, every dreck of society has an account there and its tiring to have to read the spew of some very dumb people. Also, trolling does get old.

But in summary, the site, the business, and the whole shebang, is as corrupt as the ruling party is. A dirty business built on selling out to the cellphone cartels and living off smart adverts and gutter press.