End of Cyril Ramaphosa ‘The Consensus Man’?


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
Could the C19 PPE tenders have been his trojan horse?

Cyril Ramaphosa has written directly to ANC members, outlining detailed steps the party must take to fight corruption. In doing so, he might well have gone over the heads of the national executive committee (NEC) in general, and secretary-general Ace Magashule in particular.



Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2020
I'll believe it when I see it, this is probably him trying to buy some more time as investors are/have pulled out, Covid funding probably got messed up big time, so that avenue probably dried up, and I'm seeing more and more educated people making plans to leave.

There's been non-stop protests in quite a few townships over the last few weeks, I wonder when that's going to completely boil over as people go hungry. It's not going to be a fun next few months (or month?).


South Africa post apartheid is and never was a democracy; because a tyranny of the majority is indistinguishable from despotism.
SA like all rule by mob rule democracies (mobcracies) is doomed to fail.

The blatant insanity of such a system of governance was long defined by the Greeks as an Ochlocracy
Ochlocracy or mob rule is the rule of government by a mob or mass of people and the intimidation of legitimate authorities. Insofar as it represents a pejorative for majoritarianism, it is akin to the Latin phrase mobile vulgus, meaning "the fickle crowd", from which the English term "mob" originally was derived in the 1680s.

There is and never will be any justice in mob rule.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
Benoni, home of the single mother
If CR were serious, why the fuck are we reading his letter to the ANC? It is nothing more than lip service to patronise the IMF for their bail out. You cannot, mere days after appointing someone actively being investigated for corruption to the provincial legislature, say that those who are investigated cannot be appointed to government. They just did this last week, FFS.


If CR were serious, why the fuck are we reading his letter to the ANC? It is nothing more than lip service to patronise the IMF for their bail out. You cannot, mere days after appointing someone actively being investigated for corruption to the provincial legislature, say that those who are investigated cannot be appointed to government. They just did this last week, FFS.
Exactly nothing more than lip service.
There will be no justice, because a majority has given the ANC the power to do as they please -- this is just the same slow decay that happened in Zimbabwe.

The shit will hit the fan once they exhaust their avenues for bail outs.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
If CR were serious, why the fuck are we reading his letter to the ANC? It is nothing more than lip service to patronise the IMF for their bail out. You cannot, mere days after appointing someone actively being investigated for corruption to the provincial legislature, say that those who are investigated cannot be appointed to government. They just did this last week, FFS.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
The shit will hit the fan once they exhaust their avenues for bail outs.
They have already.
There are only so many "get out of Jail free" cards in a pack and the ANC is getting to the bottom of the pack.
I was one of the people that had high hopes for CR but I fear they have faded rapidly.

The only way as I see it, is that the ANC needs to implode and splinter, perhaps this is the beginning but I doubt it, probably just stalling tactics until the right cheques clear.


They have already.
There are only so many "get out of Jail free" cards in a pack and the ANC is getting to the bottom of the pack.
Not yet... IMF just gave them their first "loan"...

I was one of the people that had high hopes for CR but I fear they have faded rapidly.
Not me; I knew he was a scumbag from the onset; he was DP during Zuma -- nobody with integrity would do that.

The only way as I see it, is that the ANC needs to implode and splinter, perhaps this is the beginning but I doubt it, probably just stalling tactics until the right cheques clear.
There's a long road before that happens... once they run out of money to fund SASSA; they'd more than likely repeat Zimbabwe's mistakes... no more private property, private businesses, etc.

The only hope is that a sufficient majority wakes up to the ANC after the covid-19 destruction...
I'm not holding my breath on that one; the sentiment on this forum alone proves that people have bought into that hogwash and there's no doubt that a majority wouldn't similarly buy into the ANC blaming covid-19 for everything wrong in SA.
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