Who's coding in what?


Active Member
Sep 27, 2020
devs all think they know SQL. and then the experts come in and fix your designs, and queries. and data types.
everyone uses SQL but so few people know how to use it propperly. hell I have been doing nothing but SQL for close on 10 years and I am learning new things about it every week.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2020
@Bryn @scudsucker @Johnatan56

Per the title, who codes in what?
Early career PHP, MySql/MariaDB.
Then moved into web space, javascript / Vue 2 (and started transition to 3 "end" of front-end career, but was already out of it a year earlier, was only doing reviews/managing that team).

And then basically SQL Server, C# (framework), then C# (Core 2+3) and Azure SQL, and now C# (.Net 5, 6/7 now, moving to 8 next month) and Postgres / GraphQL.

Hobby wise and side parts of career:
- Go, some Scala, Kotlin, a lot of bash/powershell scripting

Only hobby / never made a full project out of it:
- Dart (it's only front-end, and I was looking at it compared to Vue 2 at the time, wasn't worth the effort/tooling was not great for cross-platform yet, it's gotten a lot better), Swift (it's intersting, but I find the language itself forces complexity, interesting enough for hobby, wouldn't go career side here)

And then not programming language, but code -> yaml, gihutb actions (last few weeks I've automated PR's a bit crazily, automated unit test (on PR), integration test (on PR, checks out the code and runs integration test against branch change using docker compose action), code coverage, branch diff, auto generate labels, add reviewers, etc., lots of useful workflows that are free, been a nice change of pace). And then playing with home automation atm, looking at getting a home assistant green so I can free up my NUC, bit busy at the moment though.

@Baxteen, ok ok we'll include SQL as a language. :p
Structured Query Language :p

devs all think they know SQL. and then the experts come in and fix your designs, and queries. and data types.
everyone uses SQL but so few people know how to use it propperly. hell I have been doing nothing but SQL for close on 10 years and I am learning new things about it every week.
I know enough SQL that I could probably get a job as a senior in most companies, though my dad is/was a Senior SQL Engineer (as in basically did a little bit of C# framework, otherwise worked on e.g. SARS rewrite, old mutual, etc.), so I picked up a lot of design and stuff from him while going through uni with chats over the years, so I probably would count my entire career as SQL engineer as well, was a SQL expert for the last two companies, this is the first one where I am not directly responsible for it (yet, usually I get myself involved as it interests me) (change the to a SQL expert since technically 2 companies ago there was another DBA above me for SQL, but I basically always desgined, handed to him for approval, and he'd just make sure I didn't forget/miss an index, my strength is in system design).


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
devs all think they know SQL
I know SQL. Well enough to know that there is no reason to use it aside from basic queries.

When I see a SQL unit test (and yes, they exist) I might change my mind.


Feb 11, 2022
devs all think they know SQL. and then the experts come in and fix your designs, and queries. and data types.
everyone uses SQL but so few people know how to use it propperly. hell I have been doing nothing but SQL for close on 10 years and I am learning new things about it every week.
Very true in the SQL Server space.
Most devs don’t understand a query plan or there is a different been SQL Sever and Azure SQL.
Brent Ozar accurately described it when he said there’s a a difference between production DBAs and application DBAs and they have very different responsibilities.


Active Member
Sep 27, 2020
that is a very succinct wat to put it.

where I am now in the BI space its almost like a third fork of it all.
less performance focus, greater focus on data accuracy. and getting the team under me to really focus on getting the correct information from the devs and the correct spec from the Business people so we can show what they want to see in a correct and accurate way so everyone is happy

Seldom Bucket

Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2020
iLogic (Based on Python) and a tiny bit xml
This one is older, working, but not working. The life of coding..

Dim doc As PartDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim totalLength As Double = 0.0

' Find the path sketch used in the sweep feature
Dim pathSketch As PlanarSketch = Nothing

For Each sketch As PlanarSketch In doc.ComponentDefinition.Sketches
    If Sketch.Name = "Path" Then
        pathSketch = Sketch
        Exit For
    End If

' Check if a path sketch was found
If pathSketch IsNot Nothing Then
    ' Calculate the length of sketch entities in the path sketch
    For Each entity As SketchEntity In pathSketch.SketchEntities
        If TypeOf entity Is SketchLine Then
            Dim line As SketchLine = DirectCast(entity, SketchLine)
            totalLength += line.Length
        ElseIf TypeOf entity Is SketchArc Then
            Dim arc As SketchArc = DirectCast(entity, SketchArc)
            totalLength += arc.Length
        End If

    ' Output the total length to a custom iProperty
    doc.PropertySets.Item("Inventor User Defined Properties")("SweepLength").Value = totalLength
    ' Handle the case where the path sketch was not found
    MsgBox("Path sketch not found.")
End If

Any Suggestions?


This is highly specific to Autodesk Inventor. Not familiar with that environment, but it's not exactly Python either.
What does the method DirectCast() do?


Reads the dimensions in the sketch or data in the sketch
OK and the arguments (+ overloads if applicable)?
Microsoft environments have such a function. It is used to perform type conversion based on inheritance

DISCLAIMER: My strength is not with OOP primarily because these kinds of things, unless you've been taught comp.sci, are hard for me to understand (and apparently for most of the devs in my team too).

We use casting in C (and in Golang) to convert one thing to another, for example a byte into an uint32_t. That's type conversion, but DirectCast in OOP land, well that's inheritance, so the properties of SketchArc will be inherited to the object being cast to.
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