Recent content by RazedInBlack

  1. RazedInBlack

    Drivers Licence Cards and Vehicle Licence Discs.

    Have you been able to? I have a few weeks back at Milnerton, I think I was in the que for about 4 hours to do for Transfer of Ownership. I've heard that online renewals have a huge backlog so thats also going to be a long wait. What has your experience been like?
  2. RazedInBlack

    Parenting toddlers - the pleasure and the pain

    Haha! Rather a cat than a toddler.
  3. RazedInBlack

    Parenting toddlers - the pleasure and the pain

    All I see is pain!
  4. RazedInBlack

    One word Thread Mk I

  5. RazedInBlack


    Whats the PSN+ games for October?
  6. RazedInBlack

    PS5 or XBox Series X

    PS5 is pre-ordered. Yay!!!
  7. RazedInBlack

    Welcome new members!!!

    Ye I see quite a few familiar faces around. 6 months and almost 7K posts? :giggle:
  8. RazedInBlack

    Welcome new members!!!

    Hey thanks man. Had no idea this place existed until your invite. :D