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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2020
East London
For those of us with nVidia graphics hardware:


Our free software lets you customize the NVIDIA GeForce Driver package by removing components that you don't need (or want). This not only keeps things tidy, but also lowers disk usage and memory footprint.

Much of the GeForce Software package consists of components NVIDIA feels are essential to the hardware and form an extension of the product itself. Thus, even the "custom install" option won't let you unselect these packages — NVCleanstall will. For example, you might want to skip support for Stereo 3D Glasses, USB-C, Telemetry, or Notebook Optimizations.

NVCleanstall has two main modes of operation: either you let it fetch the driver files from the Internet, downloading only those components you want, or you feed it an existing driver package on disk, to customize the components inside. This mode works without Internet connectivity.

Once the repackaged NVIDIA installation files are ready, you can either continue with installation on your local machine, or save the driver package for later, possibly on portable storage, to install another system, that might not have network connectivity.
